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The twins had been waiting for you outside the school building (as you usually walked home together - them living on the same street as you), loitering against the very same wall where your lens had met it's terrible fate. Of course, Dawn and Ty had found this very funny. You didn't mind too much, as you were eager to tell them about what Mrs. Winters had said.

"But she seemed really supportive!" You said, walking between Dawn and Ty as you made your way down the pavement.

"Of course she was." Ty said, like he couldn't have imagined a world where Mrs. Winters didn't encourage you to go forward with this idea.

You grinned. "I kind of want to go home and just set it all up right now." You said. The idea had fully taken root in your mind since class, and you were abuzz with different thoughts - what photos you would choose for the portfolio to showcase your skill, what kind of design you would want your website to have, what kinds of jobs you would get - all sort of things just pooling in your mind.

"Nothing's stopping you." Dawn said. "You might as well do it now anyway - sooner you can get booked and replace that lens, the better."

"Yeah." You agreed. "It's probably going to take me a minute to figure out how to build a website though. I thought about just doing an Instagram page but-"

"Dawn can do that." Ty interrupted you, glancing over top your head to his sister. "She built our modeling-profile-website thing."

"Really?" You asked, turning to look at Dawn as well.

She shrugged. "Yeah. I could put together something simple for you if you wanted - link it to that Instagram page you were talking about. Make a little place for all the photos you want to show off."

"That would be awesome." You said. "Could you really?"

"If we don't have anything going on." Dawn said, glancing back at her brother.

Ty pulled his phone out of his pocket, thumbing it open and glancing down at his calendar. "Nope." He said, looking back up. "We're good for this afternoon."

"Mine then?" You asked.

"Sure." Ty said, stuffing his phone back into his pocket.

You led the way to your house down the path, getting excited about setting everything up. With extra hands on deck, there was a chance that you could get everything put together today - and then it would only be a matter of getting booked.

As soon as you opened the door to your house, you sped upstairs to your room, where your desk was. Dawn and Ty made their way up the stairs after you (significantly slower) to take their respective places in your room - Dawn in your desk chair, and Ty spread out on the bed, a arm thrown over his eyes dramatically.

You slid your laptop out of its case, handing it off to Dawn. "Do whatever you need to."

She grinned, taking it from you. "Aye aye."

"Ty, you and I need to start putting together the Instagram page and picking the photos we use in the portfolio."

Ty peered up at your from under his arm. "Fine." He said, rolling over so that there was room for you on the bed also. "We need to choose a theme or something though. It needs to look good."

You flopped down beside him, pulling out your phone and scrolling through the photos that you had saved there. "What are we thinking for theme then?"

"Something chic." Ty said. "Minimalist. If you had to say off the top of your head, what do you think you've taken the most photos of?"

"I don't know." You said, pausing to wrack through your brain. "Probably you guys, being honest."

Ty glanced over to Dawn. "Can we make the theme us? Is that allowed?"

"We're not making the theme 'us'." Dawn said.

"We should at least make it a color palette that matches our skin tone if we're going to be featured a lot." Ty said.

Dawn paused, fingers hovering over your keyboard. "Alright."

And so it went - talk of color schemes and picking photos and organizing a portfolio and writing bios and technical things about the website that went over your head filled the space of your room. It was actually sort of fun, picking and choosing what photos you thought were your best work, and creating a theme that encompassed all of them. Like you had predicated, a lot of the pictures you selected for your portfolio were of the twins (which did a number for their egos - not that they needed the help). A fair few were of landscapes and scenery though, which made for good headers and backgrounds on the website.

In the end, the result was better than you had expected. Your webpage was clean and simple, a place where future clients could find your contact information and photos that you had taken in the past, just to judge the quality of your work. There was a link to the Instagram that you and Ty had set up - that page having a larger collection of photos than on the website, as you hadn't had to stick to one color palette or theme. It was more professional than anything you had put together in your life so far - but you loved it.

"Now, I just have to get the word out." You said as Dawn closed your laptop.

"That's the hard part." She said, rising from her chair. "Getting booked the first time is always the hardest."

"But," Ty chimed in. "With those photos we put on there, you should get people right away. Just looking at it, you can tell you know what you're doing."

"Hopefully." You said, getting up from the bed and reaching back to pull Ty up as well. "I'm hoping it doesn't take too long for me to get booked - I'd like to replace that lens sooner rather than later."

"Don't worry about it." Dawn said. "You'll get booked in no time, just trust me."

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now