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As soon as the twins dropped you home, you uploaded the photos to your computer, storing them somewhere where you knew you could find them easily (it was a little strange to have a folder in your hard drive titled 'pictures of Jack Manifold', but self explanatory titles were always the best).

After that, you laid down for a nap. It had been a long day, after all, and you were tired. Your first job was a big deal, after all, and all that excitement took a toll.

You didn't get a chance to work on the photos the day after the shoot - you had school after the weekend, after all. You did get to talk to the twins though in photography class, in between shots of them sitting back to back on a section of patterned tile floor. The conversation was what it always was - meaningless talk about their next modeling gig and your hopes for getting booked again. It was nice though, and there was no teasing about Jack to be found.

You were most looking forward to after school though, when you slid into your desk chair and opened up your editing software, ready to get these photos done - or at least make a dent in them.

Opening up the folders of photos from the shoot, you began to sort through all the pictures, finding the shots you had been intent on using from the start. You would need a few more than those you just handpicked, of course, but it was good to separate the ones you were set on first.

You grabbed a picture of Dawn and Ty in the first tee shirt design leaning against the wall and looking down at the camera. The light was hitting them perfectly in that one - you would barely have to touch it up. Of course, some of the colors needed correcting, but that was easy enough.

You scrolled through a couple photos that were good, but not final cut material, until you found another one of the twins that struck your fancy. This time, they were back to back, showing off the sweatpants, the designs that ran down the side of the legs on display. You always loved the twins in back to back poses - it really showed off how similar they looked and how tall they were.

Scrolling through more photos, you grabbed some more of the twins posing for each item before you moved onto the pictures of Jack. You wanted at least one good one for each of the items - not that Jack's weren't good, but a lot of them involved cheeky winks at the camera. Like, for example, the one you were looking at now.

Jack was modeling the sweatpants in this photo, his head tilted towards the camera just enough so that you could see his cheeky wink as he thumbed the waistband a bit - just enough to give the idea of something scandalous without actually doing anything. The photo made you huff out a little laugh - even in pictures, Jack was funny.

Just because he was Mr. Funny Guy didn't mean he wasn't also a damn good model though.

You added the winking photo to the final cut collection as you kept scrolling, looking through all of the pictures you had gotten of him. Once you had gotten past the hiccup in the first bit of shooting, you had actually gotten some really good shots. Jack, leaning against the wall in one of the tee shirts, arms pillowed behind his head to cushion it against the brick. Jack, sitting down, squinting up at the camera in the other tee shirt design. Shots of him laughing when Dawn had made a joke about feet pics, shots of him looking past the camera when a man wearing bright yellow shorts with chili peppers on them had run past, shots of him just passively staring off into space, hands in his pockets, effortlessly cool.

You really hadn't been lying when you'd said he was good looking.

Finding what photos you wanted, you started editing, adjusting lighting and exposure to get the best results out of the raw shots you had taken. This was the part of photography that you liked least - editing was tedious at best and gave you a headache at the worst - but it was the part of the process that gave finished photos that refined sheen.

It did mean that you got to just look at Jack's face for extended amounts of time though, and with how easy on the eyes he was, you weren't really complaining.

You upped the vibrancy in the picture of all three of them with their socked feet up on the wall, wanting to really draw attention to the socks. Your own eyes couldn't help but find Jack's upside-down face though. He was the only one really smiling in the picture - the twins had their little half smiles, of course - but Jack looked like he was having the time of his life, looking right at the camera with a big smile on his face.

You found yourself smiling back as you worked on the photo. It was probably your favorite one from the shoot - as it was one of the only that contained all three models, and the pose had been absolutely adorable, no matter how much Ty had hated it.

And so it went, adjusting colors and shadow depth and hues and contrast in each of the photos until they matched the vision in your head. The work was tedious and precise, but with some good music you didn't mind too much. Sure, you would have much rather been snapping pictures instead of editing them, but Jack wasn't paying you just for raw photography - there was a product in mind. And after all, how many people could say their job was about making hot people look even better than they did normally?

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now