Ending Notes

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Hello everyone! Thank you all for reading!

I hope you guys enjoyed this one - people had been asking for Jack for a little bit now, and I thought I might as well go ahead and give the people what they wanted. Can't say I was too excited to be spending my time thinking about a bald man, but hey, if its for you guys, anything.

Also, shoutout to Grey for coming up with the idea to have the reader be a photographer (he was going to make a Dawn and Ty X Reader, and I stole it and turned it into a Jack Manifold book). Love you duder.

I'm sure you're all more curious about who's coming next though. I have some really fun news (drumroll), I'm starting another series. In a similar vein to Phantasm, I'm creating another universe, this time Greek and Roman mythology themed. And (another drumroll) our first love interest in this series will be Awesamdude!

I'm not going to give too much away about it all now, but stay tuned! I think you guys will really like this (I mean, you ate Phantasm up, so).

Anyways, as always, I'll catch you guys in the next one!

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now