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You dropped your school bag as soon as you walked into your room, your books hitting the floor with a thud. Of course, you were more gentle with your camera bag, setting it down gently on your desk before you flopped down on your bed, pulling your phone from your pocket. 

You had an email to answer.

Like you had wanted, waiting instead of answering it right away had dampened your excitement some, meaning you could walk into your response with a clear head. Even though Ty had advised you to lie about your experience, you weren't going to - dishonesty would get you nowhere in the end.

Hopefully, whoever was asking after you wouldn't mind that your experience was all within a classroom.

You navigated to your email, opening it up to pick up where you had left off at lunch. The email sat unopened in your inbox, the same subject line catching your attention again. Possible Photo Shoot

You opened the email and began to read. 

Hello Y/N,

My name is Jack Manifold and I'm a twitch streamer/youtuber (you can find me @ jackmanifoldtv). Recently I've been working on designing and getting merch for my subscribers, and I've been looking for a photographer to possibly help with a merch photoshoot so I'll have some pictures for the website. I found your page through Instagram and so far you look like you know what you're doing. I just was wondering about your price range for that sort of thing and when you would be available for a shoot?

Jack Manifold

(not sus)

The little parentheses underneath his signature threw you off for a moment, until you remembered what he'd said his job was. 

You switched off the email, going instead to YouTube to do a quick search of the handle he'd given you. Sure enough, an account popped up, as well as a plethora of videos - most of them gaming content. When he'd said he was a youtuber, you hadn't originally thought he'd meant a gamer, but it made sense, considering how he'd signed the email.

A closer look at his account revealed a pretty large subscriber count - just a little over 1 million. You wouldn't have to worry about him being able to afford the shoot then. You scrolled through his videos, getting a look at the thumbnails as you passed them. From what you could see, he looked to be about your age (maybe a year older). He was sort of average looking, or maybe that was just because he was making a dumb face in every thumbnail he had. 

Still, you would be more than happy to do a merch shoot for him. 

You returned to the email, hitting reply and typing out your response. 

Hello Jack,

Thank you for the request. I took a look at your page, and I would be happy to set up a time for a shoot. The price would depend on how many hours the shoot would be, and my rate is about £100 an hour. As for availability, I am still in school, so it would have to be either in the afternoon or on the weekend if you wanted it earlier in the day. Hopefully that's not an inconvenience! 


And then, just because you felt like it,

(also not sus, just in case you were wondering)

You sent the email off with a touch of a button, and sprawled out on your bed. He hadn't asked about experience - and you could only hope that he wouldn't, lest he turn out like the other people that had inquired about a photo shoot with you. You had just settled into your pillows, scrolling through YouTube in search of something to watch when another email popped up in your notifications.

From Jack Manifold. Re: Possible Photo Shoot.

You hadn't expected a reply so quickly. 

Still, you opened it, and began to read. 

That's the best rate I've heard so far. And being in school wouldn't be an issue, we can work around that. I'm pretty available on the weekends anyway, as long as I don't have a video planned or I'm streaming, so we could definitely do some weekend morning if that works best for you. Also, I figured you should probably know what the merch looks like, so I attached a couple pictures. 


(thank you for letting me know that you are also not sus. this is v important for business)

You smiled at the little phrase tacked on at the end. 

This was already going better than any of the email you had exchanged with potential clients before. It was obvious that Jack knew only the base amount of knowledge on photography, but maybe that was a good thing. You opened the pictures he had attached to take a look at the merch you were possibly going to be taking pictures of. 

A series of selfies (each with more and more ridiculous faces) opened up before you, and you scrolled through the pictures, taking a look at the various tee shirts and sweatpants (and even a pair of socks) he was selling. The designs were simple, in varying palettes of red and blue. Already, you could tell you were going to need a neutral background to shoot with these. 

Going back to the email, you typed out another response.

Great! If you wanted, I could send you a couple dates that I'm free on the weekends. And if you had a specific place in mind that you wanted to shoot, let me know. As for the merch, it all looks pretty good. Do you have other models besides yourself? It's good to have a variety for this sort of thing.


(yes i agree, its v hard to do business with someone who is sus)

Again, the reply was almost instant.

Yeah, a look at your calendar would be great. As far as places go, I had a couple in mind. There's this really cool piece of graffiti art near where I am that would be epic to have in the background. Also I hadn't thought about models, is that going to be an issue?

You typed out a response, and attached a copy of your calendar.

Not at all! I know a few models who might be willing to help out.

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now