15.7K 878 669

The rest of the class was spent choosing one of the photos you had taken of the twins to edit and turn in - you settled on one of the ones where they had been looking at each other for that brief moment, the angle of the shot making them look like two higher beings deciding your fate. It might have been one of your favorite pictures of the twins you had ever taken.

Mrs. Winters looked unsurprised when you turned in another photo of them at the end of class.

Still, you didn't mind too much, as you were already planning out your next email response to Jack. With the twins now on board (if they didn't have anything else going on the day you ended up choosing), things were coming together. It looked like you might actually be getting a job. And depending on how many hours he needed you for, you might be able to put a considerable chunk in your replacement fund.

As soon as you got home, you popped open your laptop, plopping down at your desk and finding your way to where you had left off with the email chain. The last response had been from Jack the day before.

That would be great! I hadn't thought about models, sorry. If you can't tell, I'm kind of new to all this.

You could very much tell, but that was alright with you. After all, even if you wouldn't say it unless he asked, you were new to all this too. But you had no doubt that you could both figure it out as you went along.

You opened up a new reply, typing out what you had drafted in your head during the school day.

Hello again Jack,

I talked with the models I mentioned yesterday today, and they said that they would be down to help out if the day we choose doesn't interfere with any other shoot they already have going on. I've attached a calendar with times and dates that work for me - you can have your pick of the lot.


You sent the email off with a flourish, a rush of excitement flowing through you. This could very well be your first job - and it was with a famous youtuber. That would be great to have under your belt when people in the future asked about experience that you had. And, if the shoot went well, hopefully you could get a recommendation out of Jack.

You weren't surprised when another email showed up in your inbox only a few moments after you had sent the first one off - he had responded pretty quickly the last time, and you had been going back and forth for a while.

Hello again Y/N,

Great. Sorry about the inconvenience with the models, I can pay extra for that if you need. Looking through the calendar you sent, the best time for me would be this weekend since I would like to get this out as soon as possible. If that works for your models, that would be awesome. If not, I can pick another day.


You pulled out your phone, opening up your group chat with the twins.

what r u guys doing this weekend?

The response came from Ty (Dawn was notoriously bad at responding to texts, especially in group chats her brother was also in) only a few moments after.

nothing why

You tapped back a response.

modeling for jack manifold?

Ty's response was almost immediate again.

yeah sure

Grinning, you closed the text thread in exchange for writing out another email response.

No need to pay extra for the models - they're friends of mine and they said they would do it free of charge. This weekend works fine for me and the models, so whatever time you'd like just let me know and I can pass on the message to them.

As expected, his reply came within a few minutes.

Great, if we could do something before lunch, maybe 10 or 11 that would be good. And I was thinking maybe 2 hours would be enough? I don't have too much merch and I probably only need two or three pictures for each item so hopefully that'll be enough.

You turned back to your phone, texting the twins the approximate time you would be shooting - and getting a thumbs up from Ty (nothing from Dawn but that was to be expected). With the ok from the twins, you went back to your laptop, tapping out one last email response.

The models said they're good for then. Guess I'll see you there!

The response from Jack's end came quick again.

Poggers, see you Saturday!

With that, you closed your laptop, a smile coming over your face. You'd done it. You'd nailed a job - and with someone that seemed like a decent person, as well as had some clout that you could use when people asked about experience in the future. You moved from your desk chair to your bed, sprawling out on the mattress to smile up at your ceiling. Already, you were excited for the weekend.

Your first real photo shoot.

You were happy that the twins were going to be there as well - it would be nice to have some familiar faces when you met Jack Manifold, and you had worked with them countless times before. Shooting with the twins would be easy, which was just the thing you wanted for your first real world shoot.

You could picture it all now - the merch, the twins, Jack Manifold, and in the center of it all, you with your camera, snapping away. You would get the pictures and bring them home to edit - and once they were beautiful and ready to be put online, you would exchange them for money from Jack. The money you would get from this shoot would put a considerable dent in the funds needed to replace the lens you had dropped, and the experience would help you get booked more in the future.

This was the start of a career, and you couldn't be more excited.

PICTURE PERFECT // Jack Manifold X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon