"Hey Tizzie," Andrea tries, reaching out her arms to hold her.

Willow turns around and her eyes light up. "Gran-ma!" she exclaims, failing to pronounce the 'D' sound.

"I missed you Tizzie," Andrea said, carefully holding the toddler.

"I missed ooooo," the toddler replied, squirming around restlessly to be let down onto the floor.

"This is totally not going to mess everything up when she grows older," Taylor said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "For some reason she only lets Joe call her Willow now."

"I'm special," Joe joked. "C'mere Willow, let's go wash your hands so you can have a snack, hm?" he says gently.

Willow nods and climbs down to the floor, holding Joe's hand as they walk to the bathroom together.

"Gran-pa!" Willow's squeals were heard by the two women still in the living room.

"I'm glad she and Dad get along well," Taylor commented.

"He spoils her too much," Andrea rolled her eyes. "Wait till you see what he got for her later on."

Taylor laughed, her ponytail swaying back and forth a bit as she moved her head. "It's fine," she giggled.

6th June, 2020

Willow ran through the hallways of their LA home in her tiny dress. She noticed her father standing in front of her and ran into his body, wrapping her hands around his legs. He bent down and picked her up.

"Are you ready for tonight, Will?" he asked softly, gently prying the toddler's thumb from her mouth.

"Daddy!" Willow laid her head on her father's shoulder.

Taylor walked into the room in a short dress with flowers embroidered all over it and billowing sleeves. Her hair was done into a braided into a giselle-esque hairstyle and she looked ethereal.

"Hey, are you guys ready?" she asked, grabbing her purse. She walked over to Joe and straightened his tie.

"You look gorgeous." Joe smiled.

"I could say the same about you, Alwyn," Taylor smirked.

"Go where?" Willow asked, sitting in her car seat.

"We're going to the Oscars, darling. Daddy might win an award." Taylor said, turning her head to the right to look at her daughter.

"Scarlett?" Willow asked.

"No, Tizzie, she won't be there. You're seeing her next week, remember?" Taylor answered, knowing that she was referring to Eleanor's daughter.

She was born a little more than six months after Willow, and the two were already inseparable, always walking around mischievously. Taylor and Eleanor had gotten really close over time, and they would always bring the kids out with them to go shopping or simply high tea. They relied on each other heavily as babysitters, but were also found calling each other frequently for long talks at night.

Willow nodded solemnly before she looked out the window again, sucking her thumb. She had Taylor's eyes and face, as well as the signature small curls covering her small head. However, she had Joe's rather introverted personality, and was shy when talking to new people. Taylor had gone to Elizabeth once, afraid that she wouldn't fare well at her playgroup, but Elizabeth convinced her it was a thing to be grown out of. "Joe's doing fine now, look at him," she had joked.

"We're here, love." Joe said, looking backwards to make eye contact with Taylor, snapping her out of her thoughts. The car stopped and he got out, thanking the driver before opening the door for Taylor. He extended her hand to her and she gracefully took it, walking over to the other side of the car to help Willow out of the car seat.

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