Love story between demi gods (Harry X Vinny) Dnd

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A Tigers Love

Tales Of Olympus

Requested by phoeinxorigins100

When everyone from the team were trying to find out why harry was being taken by this queen of monsters they were lead to a new path of a plan.

While going to this path they found this temple that seem to be rather old and enchanting. While getting closer Vinny and Tobias felt something from the temple that was pulling them in like they were being control.

They soon enter and disappear making the rest of the group go after them and that is where this story begins.

Harry Pov:

While everyone was looking around for Tobias and Vinny I found a split between the temple that was going two different ways. That is when Issac and belle chose one direction while I went to the other.

While walking threw my direction alone calling for Vinny or Tobias I fell threw the floor and was met with two glowing eyes.

Harry- Umm Vinny is that you?

That is when the creature jump out of the shadows and pin me to the ground. When I tried to use my powers the tiger was able to make my powers useless. Fearing that I just became tiger food I close my eyes but that is when I felt being pick up by teeth and walk somewhere

Harry- Where are we going?

That is when the tiger drop me on a pile of leaves and rocks which was surprisingly comfy. That is when the tiger started licking and cuddling up towards me and that is when it started to click.

Harry- Vinny is that you?

That is when I saw the tiger got up and lay on top of me surprising not crushing me but instead keeping me warm. After a while through I started pasting out due to being way to comfortable.

*Few hours later*

I started to hear foot steps and when I open my eyes I saw belle and Issac walking slowly towards me with Tobias past out on belle shoulder.

Isaac whispers- Harry are you ok?

Harry whispers- Yes I'm fine I found Vinny through he in tiger form and won't let me go

Belle whispers- I see do you need help?

Harry Whispers- Yes pls

That is when belle quietly put Tobias down and slowly started walking to me but that is when Vinny woke up and attack Belle. Issac tried his best to attack Vinny also but it fail leaving them with bloody claw marks all over there body's and almost past out

Belle- Vinny stop this is wrong. What have gotten into you?

Harry- Its this place I think its connected to people who have animal forms

Issac- That makes since when we found Tobias he was in bear form

That is when Vinny started trying to kill and eat Issca so I got his attention with a fire ball. When Vinny turn around to see me he jump at me and started dragging me away from them.

Harry- Vinny stop pls this isn't you

That is when something pop up in my head about the things he was doing to me. He wasn't be friends with me he trying to mate with me maybe he was going to mark me but why. With all these things running threw my mind I did something crazy I kiss him which made Vinny drop me and got out of this trans that he was in.

And after explaining everything to Vinny and Tobias when they woke up we all left the temple but before leaving Vinny pull me aside and kiss me on the lips which made me red as a Tomato.

Vinny- Hey Harry when things calm down I will take you on a date ok

Harry- oh umm ok

Tobias- Hey are you guys coming?

Vinny- Yup coming

With that we all started walking to are next destination but Vinny and I were walking together.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now