Love story between heros (Collin X Seek) My Hero Pt: 1

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Love comes from within

Requested by Fronnie59

After the Incident of Database dying Collin couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. Even though what he did was for survival he knew it wasn't the right thing.

Collin Mind- I gust there right after all its all are fault that this is happening.

*Few Days past*

After a while Collin kinda stop coming to class and even though he was getting good grades on his stuff he still felt hopeless a little.

Seek Pov:

Seek Mind- Its been a while and I haven't seen Collin come out of his room or even to school maybe I have to go talk to him to see what's happening because I don't like seeming my friends hurt and maybe talking to someone may help them.

When I finally came back to the doom I went to Collin room to see that he wasn't there but he did left a note. It read.

Dear Seek
If your reading this that means I have already left. Don't worry I am coming back to the dorms it just that after everything that happen I just needed fresh air. Also remember the girl I told you about? She kind of dump me as well so I may not have a dancing partner now but hey I can figure something out.

After I was finish reading the letter I waited on the couch for Collin return but while waiting I felt a little tired so I laid down and rest my eyes a little bit while waiting for him to come home.

Collin Pov:

After taking my night walk I came home to see seek sleeping on the couch. I could tell that he was waiting for me so I did something that I didn't imagine of doing. I pick seek up and took him to his dorm room where I put him in bed. When I was about to leave through I head someone said no stay behind me so when I turn I see seek half sleep still looking at me

Seek- Collin can you stay with me plz?

Collin- You sure you know I can leave if you want me to

Seek- No pls stay I care for you Collin and I know that you maybe still upset with the whole Database dying but I believe we can get threw this together

Collin- Thanks Seek

None Pov:

That is when the two talk a little but while talking seek started to get more and more tired so when Collin got onto bed with him hoping he wasn't making him uncomfortable. That is when seek kinda grab Collin and pull him close to his chest before falling to sleep fully.

Collin Mind- Night seek I will see you in the morning

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