Love story between two demi gods (Magnus X Xylo) Olympus

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Jealousy over a friend

Requested by Xygnuss

It was like a normal day or at least what xylo thought. He was hanging out with Lee his roommate when Magnus walk by with a look on her face.

Xylo knew that look because he have seen it to many times. Magnus was jealous but he didn't why they were new jealous or who they are jealous of so he tried to play it off like he didn't see anything.

*Few Days Later*

Xylo was hanging out with Lee again when Magnus came by and took lee away from him making xylo confuse about what is going on.

Xylo Mind- What was that all about

This kept on happening with almost all the girls he hang out with. The only people it didn't work with was mania, Kayla, and Momiji because they all have a boyfriend. That is when enough is enough and xylo confronted Magnus about what is going on.

Xylo- Magnus we need to talk

Magnus- About what?

Xylo- Why are you taking the girls who I am talking to away from me?

Magnus- I don't know

Xylo- You don't know?

Magnus- Yes you see I been having this feeling within me for some time now and I don't know where it came from

Xylo- When did this feeling started to happen?

Magnus- When I see you with another girl. It the mix feeling of being hurt and anger and sadness and

Xylo- I think I get it now

Magnus- You do?

Xylo- Your Jealous

Magnus- I am?

Xylo- or at least that is what I am getting from you. It looks like you might have some left over feeling

Magnus- I gust your right about that part

Xylo- How about we both hang out together

That is when xylo grab Magnus hand making them blush red before looking away.

Xylo- Come on its getting late why don't we look at the stars together?

Magnus- Sure I would love that

And that night Magnus and Xylo look at the stars together. Xylo took Magnus hand and kiss her on the forehead before walking her home. After that night they started dating and the Jealously from within Magnus started to fade out forever.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now