Love Story between Cats (Mania X Lopho) Fairytail

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Requested by Eevonrwby

It was like a Normal day for the protector guild. The birds were singing. The grass moving threw the wing and the smell of cookies in the air.

Jakey and Kayla were making cookies for everyone in the guild but also it seems like someone order 1000 cookies somewhere in the city so there making how much cookies as they can.

Alex was out working at his shop and the others well were training.

While everyone was doing there own things Mania and Lopho were using there magic and was trying to grow stronger together. While doing so they both smell something in the air. They didn't know why but for some reason the two wanted to know where the smell was coming from.

When they got there they saw Nicks with a large supply of catnip right behind him

Nicks- Hello guys don't mind me I am just moving this huge amount of catnip somewhere else for my sister.

Lopho- Catnip no you get that stuff away from me

Mania- Catnip do you mind if we have some fun with that

Nicks- Not at all I have a lot to spare go on ahead just don't destroy anything please

And with that nicks walk off leaving mania and lopho there. Mania grab lopho Armand push him in before she jump right in after them.

While moving around and everything they started to get the effects and went full on cat. First they started fighting like cats then started rubbing up each other. After a while mania couldn't hold back anymore and pounds onto lopho clean him up. Nicks couldn't help but laugh at this before walking off.

When night fall came they both snuggle up together and started cuddling but when morning hit that is when the effects from last night hit both of them hard.

Mania- We never speak of the things we did last night agree?

Lopho- Agree but hey do you want to get some food because that did make me hungry

Mania- Sure

And with that the two started walking to a little fast food place where they sit and talk about the events that happen last night.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now