Love Story between a human & Scp (Xylo X Mario) Scp

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Forbidden Love

In this story line xylo never turn into a bear as it was mario who save his life and not kayla bear.

Request by Zz037zZ

No One Pov:

Xylo was going to get poison if mario didn't take the hit making xylo stay in his normal body.

While going down the floors they met up with Bryan and soon was trap on the 100 floor where they have to start climbing up again.

Xylo couldn't help but think about Mario as he was the one that saved him but when they got to a certain floor where Mario and xylo was trap in a room while the others are trying to find them.

Xylo Pov:

Mario and I have been trap on this floor for hours. The scp have blocked the only way out and Mario couldn't do anything about it.

Bryan and Kayla bear are also trying to find a way to help them but I'm not sure how that will end.

Xylo- Hey Mario I have to tell you something if we don't make it out of this floor

Mario- What is it?

Xylo- I love you

Mario- Wait What!?

Xylo- Ya I had love you for a while now but due to the rule that scp and doctors aren't suppose to be together I have been hiding it.

Mario- Xylo I don't know what to say

Xylo- You don't have to say anything after all when we get out of this place you don't have to see me again

Mario- What no I want to see you again pls don't leave me

Xylo- Really

Mario- Yes I like you too it just difficult for me to accept this that all. I do love you xylo but what you guys did to me are so unforgivable

Xylo- I understand

Mario- How about this when I see my family again and get settled down maybe we can go on a date of some sort?

Xylo- Yes I would like that

No One Pov:

After a few more hours have past Kayla bear and Bryan were able to free Mario and Xylo only to find the two cuddling together

Bryan- Aww that so cute

Kayla bear- Bryan do you have a camera?

Bryan- Oh yes I do

*Take Some Pictures*

Kayla bear- Good now then let's rest here and we can go on the next floor once we are rested alright?

Bryan- Yes that a good idea

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