Love story between hero's (Jack X Blake) My Hero

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I don't want to be treated differently again

Required by Pikachu3804

After the power testing Jack was trying to practice his voice power but he kept failing on controlling it.

Soon after a while jack just left to blow over some steam and that is where he ran into blake and Shino.

Jack Mind- Great blake here

Blake- Jack Wait

Jack- I don't have the time to deal with you right now blake just leave me alone

Shino- Did something happen?

Jack- Training my power didn't go to plan so ya even though I had an idea that it wasn't going to work anyway but the teacher wanted me to test it out anyways knowing how dangerous it is so ya something did happen

Blake- Are you talking about the speakers in your voice?

Jack- ..... Anyways I better get going now

Blake- Wait can we talk pls

Shino- Alright now that new

Jack- Why are you being nice to me? Don't you hate me?

Blake- I did but now things change

Jack- Is it my power? Wait did you see it

Blake- I might have did

Jack- Ok you me need to talk now in private

Shino-Ok then talk later blake?

Blake- Yes of course

After that jack and blake went into an empty classroom so the two can talk without anyone bugging them about anything.

Jack-  Look Blake no one and I mean no one is supposed to know above this ok.

Blake- Why?

Jack- Pls I don't want people treating me differently again

When jack said that it made Blake stop and think

Blake Mind- What does he mean again?

Blake-  I don't think people are going to treat you differently

Jack- Yes they will. I lost so Manny people because of this cure pls

That is when Blake saw tears in jack eyes. For some weird reason Blake hated that so much that she hug jack. Jack was surprised at first but soon took her in for a hug as well.

Jack Mind- Why do I feel so calm around her

Blake- I won't tell anyone I promise

After that jack and Blake started having out more and more learning that they both have more in common then they thought. Soon after jack ask her to be his girlfriend which he Accept and soon jack got the happy ending that he wanted.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang