chapter 11

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"I told you that he's gonna ignore you" kiba said while separating he's chopsticks and taking a bite from his food.

"I think he thinks your one of his fangirls such a drag" shikamaru said.

"As if I ever wanna be part of those mobs" I said while munching my food as I gave some snacks to choji and to naruto.

"Um..., it's almost graduation are you guys ready for that" hinata said shyly.

"Yup its easy peasy after all just some clone jutsu" I said while my mouth was full.

"Don't talk while eating" shikamaru said.

"Tell that to naruto whose mouth is stuffed with food" as we both glanced to naruto as his mouth was filled with food as he ate more

"Your gonna choke" shino said to naruto.

After he said that naruto choked, hinata then gave him some water as naruto took the water bottle and gulped it in one go

"Eat slowly naruto" I said to him.

"Your a life saver hinata-chan" naruto said.

"N-no problem naruto" she said as she was flustered.

I guess sasunaru would never happen, I just don't like boruto happening in the future, then again hinata seems happy with naruto I then sighed at that thought.

"I've been meaning to ask arisu, why do you have so many shadow clone jutsu everywhere" kiba said.

"Oh, there just doing some task I assigned them I kinda had lots of stuff to do"

"Its quite creepy, I said hi to you the other day when I bumped into your clones after that I saw another one and another one how many clones do you use I see them everywhere I go" kiba said.

"Yeah, sorry maybe I should disguise my clones maybe it creeps people out" I said.

"Are you gonna eat that" choji asked naruto as he glanced at the bag of chip that was still not opened

"You can have it I'm full" naruto said while patting his belly in satisfaction.

I guess kushina's food is really that good.

"Your doing the dishes today" I said while cleaning my mess and cleaning naruto's mess too

Right now all of us are eating are lunch at the rooftop.

"You guys live together?" Kiba asked.

"Yeah, naruto lived alone and I kinda live in a compound so why not" i shrugged.

"Why do you live in a big compound if you live alone" shikamaru asked.

"Personal reason"

I was planning on asking sasuke to live with me and naruto, cause when naruto started living with us fugaku and mikoto decided that I should ask sasuke to live us so they can watch over him along with supervising him and telling him to avoid boys, I guess they think their son is gay then again I want to see their reaction when naruto and sasuke kissed.

"Well have you guys heard the rumors circling in the village" shino asked.

"What rumors"

"There many ghost appearing in town lately along with a cloth figure granting people's wish" naruto and I furrowed are eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah I heard that too, my dad said it has to do with the priestess"

I guess people already spread the rumors already, sooner or later the akatsuki might know my location.

"Well that would be cool I want someone to grant my wish"

"Its just rumors maybe its not real"

"Well today the hokage and clan heads are discussing it" shikamaeu said nonchalantly.

That old man must be telling them my identity and telling them to be cautious of me, maybe I'll meet kakashi sooner or later, I'm sure there already suspicious of what I'm up to.

Hokage pov

"I'm sure you have heard about the rumors?" The hokage asked.


"So it's true then?" Shikaku asked

"Yes it's true" the hokage said as he smoked his pipe

"Why hokage sama? She might have motives" inoichi asked.

"She's not bad as you think she is, I once remember back then at the second great ninja war she once saved me, I'm only giving her a place to stay in, as a repayment"

"She's that old"

"So she's really the messenger of God like what the prophecy said, the messiah?"

"Is that even true?"

"That information has been passed through generations, that might be just a lie"

"We might not know, but she holds quite extraordinary powers"

"I heard you enrolled her in the academy" hiashi asked.

"Shikamaru seems to talk about a new girl in class, it seems he took an interest on her" shikaku stated.

"Is she the priestess?" Kurenai asked as she stood next to the other jonins in the room

"Yes, her name's arisu yuzuki she seems to have contact to the deads" the hokage replied

"If she has contacts towards the dead then how can she be the messenger of god?" Asuma asked.

"Something about sending them to the afterlife" the hokage said as he blowed his pipe as smoke came out of his mouth

"She should be under supervised Lord third" hiashi suggested.

"No need for that, we would just make her uncomfortable, we won't want to go against her"

"You seem afraid of her hokage-sama" inoichi asked

"If you've seen her fight, I wander if you could last a minute fighting her"

"Then what should we do hokage-sama"

"After graduation I want kakashi to be her sensei, so you can watch over her, without arousing suspicions, do you understand kakashi"

"Yes lord third" kakashi replied as he bowed.

"That's all the meeting is dismissed" the hokage announced they all stood up and left

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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