Chapter 3

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I woke up earlier than usual even though I slept late I got used to it, being an idol was hard, so I got used to waking up early. I went to wash up and change clothes I wore an long kimono.

I looked at myself at the mirror "so this is what I look like"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I looked at myself at the mirror "so this is what I look like"

When I woke up into these world I was already in the classroom, so I didn't get a chance to see myself but I guess this body is quite a beauty, I had long black silky hair and a bit of red streaks at the front, I tied it up so it won't get in the way. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast cause yesterday training strained me a lot and I didn't even get to eat dinner.

"your up" he said looking at me while his head was leaning on the wall while his arms crossed. Damn his hot even in different angles, but every time I look at him he reminds me of Sasuke even though Sasuke was a prick in the show I could never really hate him. He just have a traumatizing past.

"last night I went around the village I didn't see any Uchiha's or senju's" he asked.

"the clans were extinct, the Uzumaki, uchiha's, senju's, the only senju alive is the grand daughter of hashirama and there is only one last survivor of the Uchiha clan. The powerful clans back then were already in the brink of extinction" I said while putting hot water on my ramen cup I'm too lazy to cook and this is instant after all

"how could the Uchiha be defeated that easily" he growled in frustration.

"the Uchiha clan were planning a coup so they were slaughtered by their own kin" I then slurped my noodles I now know why naruto love these stuff, ramen is truly a gift sent from heaven, I smiled in delight, i looked at izuna he doesn't look happy I then sighed

"why not let's both go to the library later on" I said.

"I can't touch anything" he said in dismay.

"I'll try looking in to that, I'll find something that you can possess, in the meantime I'll try making you a body or either reanimate you or something" I said.

"hn" he said and left.

Sigh I need to make plans and summon more ghost "dumpling are you there" a fox then came into my view.

[what is it host]

"I've been wondering who was the original owner of this body she doesn't seem to be anyone part in the show" I questioned.

[the body your using now host is actually created, theirs no original owner it was just a soul that follows fate so it can fill your spot until you arrive so you can say this body was already made for you host]

"you mean the body I'm using now is immortal?"

[something of that sort, the body your using now was actually created in the sage six path Era you can say it lived for a decade, but don't worry host she never met anyone until the time in the first great ninja war that's when she was first known, she traveled in different village, she was never a loyal person, she lend a hand in the sand village then left and joined kiri then after that the cloud village you've grant wishes in different nation and she even destroyed an empire because of the ruling of the king]

"so the original owner of this body was actually a bad person rather than priestess" I asked in confusion.

[the original owner never liked war so she left different villages because of their different views, and war always broke out and the kages never like ending the war but instead cause chaos so she'd always leave if they use her in their plan]

"well I guess I would deflect the village if they plan on using me, so that's why the hokage was on edge and was quite suspicious of me incase I might be a spy or something"

[everyone in these world know the previous identity of the original owner of this body host except the generation now]

"so she's quite known then, what about the akatsuki aren't they recruiting members she wasn't affiliated in any village so why didn't they"

[because the akatsuki doesn't know what she looks like]

"then how did the hokage know then"

[because that's part of the plan in your awakening]

"is that why the former owner of this body has the same name as me especially my last name"


"well I guess I'll have to go now I still have to attend the academy" I slurped the last noodle after that I cleaned up and went to the academy when I went inside the classroom everyone was chattering I then noticed naruto I walked towards him.

"morning naruto" I said cheerfully and grinned at him.

"morning arisu-chan" he said cheerfully and grinned too.

To others we kinda look like idiots everyone whispered to each other something I don't really much care about.

"why does she like spending time with that monster"

"maybe she's a monster too"

I then looked at naruto he's seems uncomfortable damn those people how can they treat naruto like this I'll truly destroy this village even though it was founded by hashirama and madara.

[host you can't commit a mass murder] the fox said in my mind

"why are you here won't people see you" I asked in my mind.

[don't worry host no one can see me only ghost or dead people can]

"that's good" I said in my mind.

"It's alright naruto just ignore what they say, everyone has their own demon, everyone just want to feel superior so they talk bad about others" I said while patting his head.

He's mood then brightened up while everyone who heard me glared at me in the corner of my eyes I saw Sasuke gazing intently at me when I looked back he looked away.

"everyone please take your sit" iruka said I then sat next to naruto and shikamaru.

"thanks for standing up for naruto" shikamaru said while yawning.

"shikamaru was it nice to meet ya, my names arisu"

"nice to meet you too"

I then smiled at him and looked at the board, I then listened to iruka's lesson I wonder when I could meet kakashi

"I've been meaning to ask if I graduate would I be part of team 7"


"won't it be a three man team"

[your an exception host and the hokage wants kakashi to watch over you]

Then I'll be meeting kakashi and my two favorite Cannon fodder zabuza and Haku, I wonder if i can save them

"dumpling can I bring someone back to life at will"

[nope, you can't play God host, like I said host you can communicate with ghost and make them see through so others can see them, even if someone dies you can meet them so it would feel like their always there even if they're dead, but others sometimes can't be summon because of some personal reason and that's your job too host you have to fullfil their unfulfilled wish so they can pass in the afterlife with no regrets]

"don't you think you people are giving me too much jobs I have to save this world from chaos and change everyone's fate along with granting people's wish and help ghost fullfil their wish so they can pass on don't I have a say in this, isn't this too much"

[I know it's a lot of pressure host but that's why we let you have the ability of sekigan you have allies on the other side after all, and that's why we'll be busy training you into a God-tier]

"whose we?"

[powerful people in the history host]

"well I'm going to have a massive headache then" I murmured.

Chapter 3 finish yay
Quick disclaimer I don't own naruto I just own this plot and my oc

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