Chapter 9

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"arigato, priestess" the woman bowed politely.

"I'm glad you had a chance to see your daughter again, I hope you stay well I don't want your daughter worrying too much in the afterlife" I said.

"sure will" she replied.

Me and naruto then left and bid goodbye to the woman

"ma, that was nice experience dattebayo!" naruto exclaimed.

"sure was"

"so arisu-chan why do they call you priestess" naruto asked.

"because it's my job" I bluntly stated.

"what does a priestess do dattebayo"

"I'm a different type of priestess I grant people's wish"

"cool, so how does it work"

"what do you mean"

"I mean how do you grant people's wish"

"your really curious aren't you, why do you want me to grant your wish"

Naruto then rubbed the back of his head while sheepishly grinning.

"well you have to give me something valuable to you if you want me to grant your wish, that's how it works"

"something valuable? Like ramen?"

Wow he really seems to love ramen

"yeah, something like that"

"do you grant ghost's wishes too"

"yeah it's my job to fullfil ghost unfulfilled wish, the thing they wanted to do when they're alive or relieve them from regrets, that's my job as a priestess"

"so you can see any ghost then?"


He then stayed silent for awhile thinking something, he then frowned then started grinning maybe he wants me to tell him who his parents is?

"cool can you teach me how you did  it"

"it's not something you can do naruto, there are things that you can do and I can't"

"like what"

"something" he then frowned when I said that

"fine let me teach you fuinjutsu then"

"why fuinjutsu, I suck at seals"

"well naruto fuinjutsu is what your good at after all the Uzumaki blood runs through you"


"Uzumaki is a powerful clan they're known incredibly powerful clan back then and are known especially for their tremendous life force and sealing jutsu" 

"sugoi! I have a clan dattebayo"

"what happen to my clan then"


"like the Uchiha's?" he asked and frowned when he knew his clan was slaughtered.

"they were feared by the other villages thinking that they would overtake everyone using the art of sealing. so it cause destruction and war. So they were all slaughtered, your mother was the only survivor"

"you know my mom?" he raised an brow

"yeah" I sweatdrop at my stupid self I almost spilling an SS-rank secret, that's unfair though, danzo spilled the secret and yet he's still alive he's the one who spread the rumor about naruto. I hate that bastard!

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