Chapter 8

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I walked towards the street and with the help of my sekigan, my job was easier and faster to finish. Except right now I can't seem to finish this job.

"so we're is it anyway" I asked the little girl next to me who seems vivid and misty like and transparent who seems like a ten year old child.

"dunno" she shrugged I then ask around.

"do you know where the suzuki household lives" I asked a random villager. The couple then shook their heads I then went around asking people.

"no one knows were it is" I blurted.
The child was deep in thought we both hold hands in hand if everyone can see it ,it looks like a cute scene, ghost aren't really scary, the good thing is I could touch ghost I don't know the reason why.

Since young I could see ghost but I got bullied because of that, when I was  already in middle school I lost the ability which was surprisingly good for me so I can't get bullied anymore, in my past life I had no friends, my family hates me, I never dated anyone cause I'm socially not attracted to real men I sighed I'm glad I could stay in these world, I pushed that thought in the back of my mind and focused on the situation at hand.

"do you remember something" I asked she shook her head.

"why not you tell me everything you know about yourself and how long you died" I suggested, I don't even know if she died years ago maybe her parents are dead or something.

"my parents call me hana, I-I  remembered dying last week cause I remembered wondering a week ago, I died in an illness I think my memory seems hazy in my death part" the child said.

"well hana-chan do you remember your parents name"

"I only remember my mother's name her name's kana I don't have a dad, we live with my grandparents" she said.

"where's your dad?"

"he left"

"hmm, maybe you live outskirts in the village"

I then spotted naruto he then walked towards me

"what are you doing arisu-chan" naruto asked.

"just some strolling" I shrugged.

"why are you holding a little girl dattebayo"

Hana and I eyebrows furrowed in surprised.

"you can see me?" Hana asked.

"well yeah, I mean who wouldn't Dattebayo" we both face-palm in naruto's statement, naruto is really an idiot.

I remembered in one of the episode of naruto shippuden, naruto met an ghost.

"naruto you can see ghost?"

"what ghost?"

"this little girl is a ghost, isn't it obvious?"

"ehhh?!! She looks normal" naruto then ran his hands through her he then realized she was really a ghost before his reflection turned pale. I guess he turned scared.

"it's alright naruto she's harmless" I said. He then looked at hana then me

"how could you hold her like that?"

"I just can"

"that's cool Dattebayo! And a bit creepy" naruto shuddered.

"naruto, would you help me find this little girl's parent" maybe naruto knows where they live after all he lived long here.

"uhh, sure is her parents dead too" he asked.

"nope they're alive, hana wants to meet her mother before passing into the afterlife"

Naruto and I went around the village Hana seems to have fun looking around

"is it your first time being outside Hana" I asked she then nodded.

"that's sad why not I show you around then Dattebayo!" naruto asked cheerfully I chuckled at naruto enthusiasm.

"Mn" hana agreed we then showed her around and told her fun stuff she seems so happy that she finally smiled. She seems quite attached to naruto and she seems to have quite admiration for him. Naruto was a grinning the whole time.

"I love ramen so much If your alive I would share a ramen bowl with you and share you stories of mine" naruto said he then smiled sadly.

"I'm sure I would like that" Hana said sadly.

"I guess it's already sunset I think we have to stop are trip now, and look for your parents Hana" I said she then turned gloomy.

"Mn" she clutched on my hand tighter

We looked around before we knew it we were already in the forest, we then saw a crop filled with vegetable and a house we then walked towards it.

"I hope this is it" I said knocking on the door.

The door then opened revealing a woman she had a heavy eyebags under her eye, she looked pale too her jaws were thin, it looked like she hasn't eaten for days and was mourning, she then spoke.

"what is it? Is there something you need?" she said in a hoarse and raspy tone.

"yes, are you kana Suzuki" I asked

"yes, is there something you need from me" she asked cautiously.

"no need to be cautious ma'am I'm here for your daughters request may I come in?"

"my daughter?, ah yes" she then gestured us to come inside she then led us to the living room. Naruto and I sat while Hana was glancing at her mother she tried holding her tears

"do you want tea?"

"no need ma'am this will be quick" I bluntly said.

"um arisu-chan how are you going to tell her" naruto whispered in my ear

"no need to worry naruto I've got this handled" I whispered back to him.

"if your looking for my daughter she sadly passed away a week ago" she said in melancholy.

"ma'am I'm here to grant your daughter wish, your daughter wanted to meet you before passing"

"my daughter?" she asked in confusion

"do you wish to see her ma'am?"


"easy I just need your permission, this would be shocking for you, so could I ask you not to scream I don't want you scare her" I calmy said.

"if there is really a way to see my daughter, I'll gladly approve of it"

I then added chakra on my right hands were Hana is holding me I added chakra onto her, she then turmed visible. Her mother's mouth hang open before she put her hands to cover her mouth in surprise, she then started tearing up Hana didn't a move a single inch incase her mother would be afraid of her.

Her mother then walked towards her embracing her daugher in her arms they then both started crying. Even naruto started tearing up, this is truly sad.

They both started chatting Hana told her mother what she did today and she even told her that she wanted to taste ramen they were happily chatting after a long hour.

"I'm ready to go now, I'm glad I could see you again kaa-san" Hana looked at her mother smiling she then faced towards me and naruto

"thank you for showing me around nii-chan, nii-san, I had a great a time, I had a great experience I never felt this happy before thank you" she said smiling she then started glowing and started disappearing in a ball of light the last thing we saw, was her pure smile before disappearing. I hope she can have an happy life in her next life

Chapter 8 finish yay
Quick disclaimer I don't own naruto I just own my oc and this plot

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