Chapter 10

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"are you guys okay now" I asked.



Last night they were passed out which was hilarious I took lots of pictures of it so I could use it in blackmailing I then remembered I can't cause they're ghost they can't be seen so it was useless.

I was contemplating whether I should wake them up or not, I chose the latter I waited until they woke up I then fell asleep cause of how long the night was and plus it was already nighttime I'll just show them tomorrow

And right now it was already the next day and I was now planning on showing them. I still wondered why this place has wifi, I asked dumpling and he told me that he was the source of the wifi which was cool.

I wonder if dumpling is a robot fox or something?

"what are you showing us anyway" nawaki asked.

"I'm showing you guys your future of course" i said then opened the laptop after I done that, some of them glared at the laptop, I'm sure the laptop is sweating bullets now cause of all the glaring, they first shrieked when I turned it on and fugaku and tobirama scowled at it

"you guys are scared of this thing" I said in teasing tone then chuckled.

"that thing is dangerous" izuna scowled.

"people have weird imagination" yahiko said. He was scared now cause of the things he had seen last night he felt like he was molested and he said something along the lines 'how can people call me gay I'm straight as a pen I'm not attracted to men I tell ya!'  he was grumbling and mad at the artist who drew those stuff and he said something along the lines 'if the one who draw it was a woman I'll show you I'm not into men'

And rin was still blushing around shisui which was funny. I then remembered obito might kill shisui for stealing rin from him it's not like he's not already dead but I gotta stop them from falling in love obito might kill me instead, which won't be funny you don't know how dangerous a jealous man is. I mean obito is yandere, he caused the fourth great ninja just for his dead crush and even killed his sensei for that if you see it in a different angle though, in the show it was shown he wanted peace but in different perspectives he's kinda crazy and yandere.

I then wrote naruto on the search bar and pressed episode 1

"okay you guys have to watch this it would show your future here so no skipping you might miss a lot of parts it would take you a week to finish all the series"


"why is the title named naruto dattebane" kushina questioned

"cause he's the prophecy child and he's the main protagonist" I replied.

"eh!! So he's the prophecy child which was written in jiraiya's book" Minato asked in surprise.

I then nodded as everyone in the room raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"you mean that idiotic friend of yours and kushina's and Minato son are you sure it's him" tobirama asked as he raised an brow.

"he's not that much of an idiot he's just like your brother you know, an idiot but changes everything cause he strives for peace" as I said that hashirama sulked, cause I called him an idiot and he kept mumbling something which i can't quite understand.

"my reincarnation is not an idiot" hashirama muttered.

"yeah sorry for that hashirama" I rubbed the back of my head.

"it's alright"

"alright then let's start I wanna see the future" rin said as she clicked on the first episode and looked at it brimming.

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