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"arisu your spacing out" yui said.

"I'm sorry I'm just tired that's all" I yawned.

Who knew that being an artist is hard I rather stick with arts but my parents think that drawing is a piece of trash rather than supporting my dream they intend to ruin it. That's why right now I'm an artist. Different type of artist though I make music and stuff like that.

Well being an artist is really hard cause you have no privacy, no time to rest. schedule full all the time and stuff like that. it's quite irritating I love drawing and listening to music but nope!, I have no time for those I groaned in frustration sometimes, I feel like a person trapped in a cage nowhere to go but to listen to their parents yell and control you.

"your spacing out again"yui said waving her hands in front of me.


"fine the fan meeting is over why not go home already I'll talk to the manager I'll just say your not feeling alright 'Kay" she said.

"yui your such an angel your always there for me" I said hugging her.

"thanks" she chuckled. I then left wearing my disguise incase someone might recognize me I then walk through the streets. Life is truly boring. I then felt heavy pressure on me I stopped walking midway clenching my chest, am I having an heart attack!??. It hurts! I then saw a bright light coming over me it's a truck!! I won't be able to move damn move body!!.

I then closed my eyes ready for the impact. I never thought getting hit by a truck would hurt like hell. I felt numb then close my eyes feeling like my soul left my body is this what death feels like I thought before letting myself fall into the abyss.


Damn the pain! am I in hell or heaven then again people who curse others always go to hell.

"I see your finally awake" a woman said smiling I then glanced at the woman.

"where am I?" I asked.

"your in the void it's close to the cycle of reincarnation" the woman said.

"reincarnation huh?, why am I here then, don't people wait for a hundred of years before reincarnating" I asked.

"well it's just got something with your soul and your destiny" she said in a serious tone

I then stared at her she still looked at me at an questionable gaze, yup she's serious. My eyebrow then twitch before speaking "that's some b*llcrap your spouting ma'am, I'm sorry for being rude but it's just I don't believe in destiny, fate something like those, if this got something with my destiny crap then I'll just trample on it, no destiny nor God can control me, I choose my own fate and lead my own path, I hate those type of 'beings' who like playing god and toying with human lives and looks down on them just because we're 'lower being' and easy to trample"I said in annoyance.

The woman then chuckled "I'm beginning to like you, your quite fascinating yuzuki" she said with a smile on her face with an intrigued tone

"I'm sorry I'm not attracted to woman"

She then chuckled again. Am I that funny might as well be a comedian in my next life, note the sarcasm.

"I guess we're delaying our departure"


"all this talking making me sleepy" she yawned "I haven't talked to anyone in awhile now" she continued

She then walked ahead and gestured me to follow her

"were we heading?" I asked.

"to the Shinobi world of course" she said.

"Shinobi world?" I asked titling my head in confusion.

"oh c'mon you know your favorite show and manga 'naruto'"

"were going to naruto?" I asked while not trying to show any sign of happiness but truly I was screaming in the inside

OMG! naruto!!!


"is there any particular reason I have to go there?"

"yup, your gonna be the savior of the Shinobi world" she said enthusiastically.

"your more excited than I am" I muttered.

"of course there will be less tragedy in that world"

"so what will I do there?"

"just change their course of fate but not too much cause that will shatter their world and you might get kicked out of that world or worse you might get punished for it"

"how am I going to change it?"

"easy just use your knowledge of that world, and you'll have an extra ability too" she said smiling

"ability?" I tilted my head in confusion

"you will be a priestess there, but most likely a genie"

"I grant people's wish?"

"yup, but whoever you grant wish to they have to exchange something valuable to them"

"like there lives?"

"no" she then chuckled and continued "well you have to take something valuable to them, not everyone value their lives so that's invalid just something they treasure the most, but if you want to bring someone back to life because someone wished for it, then they have to exchange their lives but if they don't exchange their lives they just have to sacrifice a hundred of people"

"isn't that a bit cruel?"it came out as a question than a statement

"that world is already corrupt, well I guess I'll cut the chase here, we already modified you a body there, your known as a priestess there, but no one knew what you looked like your going to attend the academy because the hokage found out about your identity and he intend to watch over you incase your a threat in the village and its already been a week since you attended the academy you haven't talked with anyone yet, so you can do whatever you want , just don't change it too much like a bl manga than a Shonen one got it, they have to be perfectly straight as a pen we'll be watching you then, bye"she said finishing the sentence and waving me goodbye before I collapse.

Okay that's the prolouge, on we go to the next chapter
Quick disclaimer I don't own naruto. I just own my oc along with my own story line

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