Chapter 6

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"arisu you okay?" naruto asked in concern. I shook my head "I'm fine"

I've been busy these past week that I'm having a massive headache, the gods are putting pressure on me I was just a normal girl weeks ago just making my debut and then a truck hit me life wtf! Is this some kind of cliche storyline of isekai genre! is it amusing to see me suffer or something! I then sighed.

Well I made a lot of progress this past week the ghost I summon had agreed on helping me cause I'm just that convincing! note the sarcasm, I had to use talk no jutsu in persuading them I'm not some protagonist who can make a villain an ally because of some words and understanding I don't have an protagonist halo you know! after that much talk I fainted from exhausted. The worst part was everyone saw me faint it's so embarrassing I look like an fragile girl who can be blown by the wind easily.

Well the good thing is hashirama, tobirama,and minato is helping me train to become strong. I might say that tobirama is a strict teacher like he won't even let me catch my breath it feels like he's killing me from exhaustion. Minato is a good teacher except the exploding parts though he made me dodge explosives and weapon that are thrown at me. Hashirama was a good teacher he was more aloof and carefree but sometimes when he's serious he's kinda scary,

And even shisui is helping me train the body flicker technique which is awesome but I gotta say shisui never go easy on me even though he's always grinning like an idiot he's still a sadist too. And rin is learning medical jutsu from a book and a scroll which I borrowed from the library.

Your asking why no one noticed the bombing and my harsh training cause dumpling made me train from another dimension using kamui just kidding I'm not an Uchiha so I can't do that, well it was actually a training ground that was created from another dimension, I feel like all of this is just like a video game where I gain allies and level up and defeat the final boss or something of that sort.

[this is not a game host]

"I know this is a life situation where I could die" I said nonchalantly well its not like I'm scared of dying I then sighed I gotta stop thinking depressing thought I put that thought in the back of my mind

And let's not forget I made friends with team 8,and 9 which soon to be that is, except ino and sakura because I hate fan girls I know they're gonna have character development in the future but I just can't stand them now.

I even met team Gai which was ectastic, neiji is annoying when he say destiny crap, but we got along well even though we argue a lot, it reminds me of the saying 'that a boy teases on the girl he likes'.

Even though neiji and I hate each other, both him and I share a bit of common interests, his not annoying when he stops acting arrogant and stops spouting those destiny crap.

Me and tenten got along well she's my first female friend and she even hate fangirls she quite act more like a boy than girl she loves weapons than boys which I like about her. Gai and Lee are hilarious they made me laugh the whole day, Lee is decent sometimes I wonder how he got a wife in the future?

And there is Sasuke the brooding guy he always say 'hn' which was annoying, we exchange few words sometimes but I guess silence was more comforting.

And not but not least I summoned another ghost which was yahiko, fugaku, mikoto, kawaki, mito, and Dan. I said the same thing I told the others about my plan I didn't pass out this time. Yahiko was fun to be with but he always argue with shisui there like fire and water they never get along but rin always stops them from arguing she's quite scary when she's mad.

"I can't believe our son turned like this" mikoto said while glancing at her son while floating next to her husband.

"yeah, he's more brooding" shisui said while floating next to sasuke while doing weird gesture in front of his face it's funny even though no one can see them

"real immature shisui" yahiko taunted. They then started bickering

"no arguing you guys" rin said bonking their heads she then muttered 'idiots'

Sasuke saw me glancing at him we both made eye contact I then looked away

He might think I'm one of those fangirls who would stare at him all day. It's not like I can say 'hey I'm looking at your dead parents next to you' I might even be send in the mental hospital, I wonder if they have one though.

"aww! Minato look at are son! isn't he cute~" kushina cooed while glancing at her son who was sitting next to me

"he's grown a bit, it feels like yesterday when I was in labor" kushina said sadly.

"it's alright dear" minato comforted his wife. There were a moment of silence before kushina had an idea

"I know why don't you invite him for dinner" kushina asked.

"I don't know how to cook" I bluntly stated.

"it's alright I'll cook I'll just possess a shadow clone and I'll disperse right after I just want naruto to eat an healthy meal than ramen, even though I love ramen" kushina said.

"fine" I want naruto to have a healthy meal too. I've always wanted him to lead a good life, for someone who suffered hardship since young I want to save him along with jiraiya, jiraiya never seen naruto perfected his sage mode, he never found out his crush liked him back, he never find out his teamate turned good, but at least he was with his students in the afterlife.

I want to save everyone, but that will be impossible, to attain peace you have to lose someone to understand what it feels like to suffer, so you can be determined to bring peace rather than thinking about it, everyone who wanted peace died, there were lot of people who was sacrificed for this future even though there just side characters everyone here is human they're not just shows. Coming here made me realize everything is real, everyone past and present had suffering, I have to have resolute reason why I want peace, but I can never sacrifice someone for peace I would rather die than sacrificing anyone.

Chapter 6 finish
Quick disclaimer I don't own naruto I just own my oc

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