|ღ| His Lady |ღ|

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"Can you do a part 2 HC or scenario for 'May I Have This Dance?', I really liked it."

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

Au's: Victorian Era AU

Spoilers: None

A/N: Okay, so I haven't really been all that focused on writing for TPN lately, mainly because I've been invested in RE8 after watching Jack and Mark's playthrough of it- There's so little Ethan Winters fics and it makes me sad 😭💔
I've been thinking of writing one for him but I'm not sure yet-

I'm also currently more focused on my art right now - I have some trades I'm doing with people and I'm also gonna try to set up commissions this summer, hopefully qwq

So in short, I'm not sure I'll update much this summer since I have some stuff going on/don't have much motivation to write for this xc

Art Credit: ろじ (@popnnpn) on Twitter

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♡Norman was absolutely smitten with (Y/n) after that night they met. She was so sweet and overall carefree, and he also appreciated how she didn't follow some of the etiquette women were typically taught - it was endearing, in a way.

♡Since she showed she felt the same way towards him that night when they were messing around in the rain, he obviously went to nag at his parents to set up a meeting with her family. Of course he didn't right away, only because he got sick and ended up on bed rest for a few days.

♡Seeing the (H/c) haired beauty again had him absolutely elated. While their parents discussed a marriage between the two he led her out to the garden so they could be alone and walk around.

♡Even with only having known her barely even for a day it is very clear he is head over heels for this girl already. There is just this look of pure love and adoration in those crystal blue eyes of his whenever he gazes upon her.

♡Norman also smothers (Y/n) with so many compliments to the point she becomes a flustered mess. She is stunning in his eyes and he will make sure she knows that every second of the day.

♡Says things like, "You're absolutely gorgeous, dear." and, "Your beauty is ethereal, it's like I'm in the presence of an angel." or, "How was I so lucky to meet someone as beautiful as yourself?"

♡Says some pretty cheesy things but it doesn't fail to make her blush either way; which, he finds so adorable whenever her cheeks turn a rosy red.

♡(Y/n) tries to return the compliments as well, but all she ever gets is a light pink blush on his cheeks. Most of the time he'll just smile brightly and proceed to outdo her with hundreds more of compliments.

♡It's pretty clear the connection they have together, which is perhaps why their parents agreed to arranging a marriage between them so easily. Plus, they were each nobles so it wasn't much of an issue.

♡Their favorite place to go is the garden at his estate, seeing as that's where they first met and bonded. It holds a special place in their heart and also is overall a serene place for them to be together, alone.

♡(Y/n) makes a bunch of flower crowns for Norman while they're out there. By the time they need to go inside - either for a meal or if it gets too cold out - he'll be covered in flower crowns. They will be littered all over his head and also some hanging onto his shoulders.

♡The albino doesn't mind, he even keeps them all. Norman will store all the flower crowns in his room on his desk and keep them until they wither away. By the time the flowers do die though, (Y/n) already has made him more to replace them - it's basically an endless cycle. In return he makes her little flower rings to put on her fingers.

♡Of course he will most likely give her a bunch of gifts, too. All protests will be ignored and he will buy her anything she desires - he believes she deserves everything in the world. So, he takes her into town a lot to go window shopping and will purchase anything she may have taken interest in while there.

♡They're both wealthy as hell so money isn't even an issue, really. If she wants a (puppy/kitten), then he'll buy one with no hesitation or thought of the consequences from their parents.

♡(Y/n) can tend to feel guilty if he buys her too much. Anytime that happens though, he merely insists she repays him with her love and affection; however, she will also buy him gifts in return.

♡Since they're noble they have quite a lot of lessons during the day, which keeps them away from each other. They're mischievous little teens and will often run together away from their very angry tutors.

♡Both of them are just such cuties and dorks when they're with each other. Sometimes they play tag in the hallways of the manor - it ends in disaster a few times, especially when (Y/n) decides to slide around on the wood floorboards in her stockings.

♡One time Norman had to rush forward and tackle her to the side before she slid down the stairs. Both of them got a bruise from the impact, but they laughed it off - it was better than having her tumble down a flight of stairs.

♡Horseback riding is another past time they do with one another. There are times where Norman and (Y/n) will race against each other in the forest, but Norman really prefers when they ride together. He just likes to have her with him with her arms around his waist - he's pretty clingy and likes having her arms around him.

♡They are both so so so in love with each other and try to spend every waking moment with the other. Norman treats (Y/n) like a princess, and she treats him like a prince. All it took was that one night for them to find the missing piece to each other.

|✿| The Promised Neverland: Norman × Reader Oneshots |✿|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora