|ღ| Till Death Do You Part |ღ|

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"Can you do a part three to Yandere!Norman where (Y/n) had enough and kills herself and Norman does too?"

Type: Angst

Warnings: Mentions of suicide, gore

Au's: None

Spoilers: None

A/N: Welp, this was messed up
Sorry its pretty short xd

Ima probably write a Yandere!Norman oneshot once I get some more requests done, so if anyone has suggestions for the plot of that feel free to tell uwu

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♡After what Norman had done to Emma and Ray, it wasn't hard for (Y/n) to soon view him as a monster. He was cruel and ruthless to their family - he no longer was the sweet, pure boy from Gracefield.

♡The albino kept getting rid of anyone that even came into contact with (Y/n). He got more and more possessive, to the point where if someone even laid their gaze on her they would be gone in a second.

♡This soon led to the downfall of many of her other friends, whether it was family or new friends she had barely made. Don, Gilda, Barbara, Vincent, Cislo, Zazie; one by one her family was being eliminated and it was driving her mad.

♡They were all supposed to escape together to the human world to live happy lives, but instead Norman was killing them all off because he didn't want them near her. He was straying more away from their plan each day and focusing only on keeping everyone away from his beloved.

He had gone insane from her love.

♡(Y/n) didn't want to live like this any longer - being trapped in a room 24/7, seeing the ones she loved die by his hands, and being around him only made her sick to her stomach and paranoid now.

♡She wanted out, she wanted to escape this hell. Unfortunately, there was only one way to do that.

♡It was actually quite easy - her meals always came with a sharp knife, which she could use to end it all. The thought of dying scared her, but living with him any longer was even more terrifying.

♡Tears were streaming down her face as she held the knife firmly in two hands, aiming it directly at her heart.

♡"I'm sorry, Emma, Ray... everyone... This should've never happened, but I'll join you all soon. Don't worry."

♡Norman had went to visit her in her room later, only to find her slumped on the ground with the knife shoved into her chest. A pool of crimson had formed around her body and from her limp body and dead stare, it was apparent that there was no way to revive her.

♡To say he was devastated was an understatement - he screamed, cried, and begged from her to come back as he held her bloodied body in his arms. She was the one thing he was trying to keep safe, but in the end he had led her to her own demise; which, that thought alone completely destroyed him.

♡"No... no... no, no, no, NO!!! (Y/n)! Why would you do this?! How could you leave me like this?! Come back, please! I'm sorry, please come back!! I need you, please, please, please!!! I can't live without you!"

♡His (Y/n) was the one person he couldn't live without - her dying only took away what little sanity he may have had remaining.

♡So, he grabbed the knife sticking out of her chest and yanked it out, all with a crazed smile on his tear streaked face. One hand cupped her cheek lovingly, while the other held the knife up to his own heart.

♡"I'm sorry, I love you so much. But I can't leave you alone, you're supposed to be with me, forever. So, if this is what it takes... then I'll see you soon, my love." With that he had the knife plunged into his own heart.

♡In that room lay their two bodies, his own on top of hers and hand limp on her cheek. So many people had died, all because he wanted her for himself.

Their love was everyone's demise.

|✿| The Promised Neverland: Norman × Reader Oneshots |✿|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant