|✿| Another Enemy? |✿|

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"I have a suggestion: (Y/n) is a little older than the trio (maybe like 13-14) and she's a sister alongside Sister Krone to help Mama Isabella. Norman didn't really trust her at first, but slowly became friends or even falls for her - an angst or fluff to be exactly. (I don't know exactly how old you have to be to become a Mama/Sister, but let's just say (Y/n) is a genius and chose to become a Mama)."

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

Au's: None

Spoilers: None

Description: Alongside Sister Krone came a younger girl, one that put the trio into a state of weary confusion. She wasn't an adult, so did that make her an enemy? They'd just have to see for themselves and determine who's side she was on.

A/N: Hnnnn, I'm not quite sure how to feel about this one :'>

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A pair of emerald, sapphire, and obsidian eyes were widened to the size of saucers and filled with utter horror, gazing upon a sight they hadn't thought of but now dreaded. There stood their Mama Isabella, a baby cradled in her arms with a sickeningly sweet smile present on her lips, all while another adult dressed in similar attire stood beside her.

"Allow me to introduce them. This is Carol, one of your new siblings." She said gently while kneeling down, allowing some of the more curious children to walk up and look at the little baby in her arms. "The person next to me is Sister Krone. She's here to help me out with chores around the house!" Isabella said with enthusiasm - it made the children's state of curiosity turn to excitement at her tone.

While their siblings gathered around the two newcomers in giddiness, the main three stared in mortification. Two adults? That only made this situation so much more difficult, and they all knew that's why Isabella had done such. This was all merely a game to her, after all - that much was evident when an almost unnoticeable smirk curled on the side of her lip.

"Oh dear, I forgot one more person!" She then added on with a small sigh as she stood back up straight. That sentence alone caused Ray, Emma, and Norman to tense up and expect the worse - another adult perhaps? "(Y/n), can you come here? She'll also be helping around the house and observing so she can be a Mama like myself some day." While she spoke someone stepped through the doorway to stand beside her - the sight of her befuddled all three of them.

A girl no older than themselves, perhaps fourteen, stood beside the woman with a soft expression. Her outfit was similar to theirs, except hers held some white frills and bows to it - it was more childish and cutesy to fit her age better. Those glossy, (H/l) (H/c) locks of hers were done up neatly with a black bow, leaving only two strands to frame the sides of her face. Her eyes were a stunning (E/c) that held nothing but love as she looked at the small children before her.

After Sister Krone greeted the children first, (Y/n) went next. "Hello, everyone! It's a pleasure to meet you all." Her voice was as sweet as honey as she addressed them all with a bright, wholehearted smile. While her eyes scanned over the crowd of children, it eventually landed on the three near the back - more specifically a pearly haired boy. "I'll be living with you all as well, so I hope we can all get along!" She gave a grin towards the eldest children, only for it to falter - the ravenette gave her a mini glare, whereas the apricot haired girl averted her gaze with a frown, then the albino only narrowed his eyes on her figure.

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