|✿| Picnic Date |✿|

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"Could you do a Norman x Male!Reader where they're on a picnic or some type of date?"

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

Au's: None

Spoilers: None

Description: It was a beautiful day at the Gracefield orphanage, so (Y/n) thought there was no better way to spend it then a picnic date with a certain someone.

A/N: Hnn, I don't think I did the best with this one since I kind of was running a blank while writing it, but hopefully it's okay ;o;
Now ima go die doing ✨schoolwork✨

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"Come on, Norman! I know you can run faster than that!"

A boy with a fluffy head of (H/c) hair teasingly remarked, his eyes glancing over his shoulder towards the person running behind him. (E/c) clashed with those beautiful blue eyes of his, which narrowed playfully on him from the comment. Norman's smile only widened as he sped up to try to catch up to the male.

"Of course I can." Was all he replied with before he suddenly made a right and disappeared into the brush of the forest. The action caused (Y/n)'s eyes to widen in surprise; yet, he refused to let it befuddle him and turned his attention forward. He knew the albino was trying to fool him into following in order to keep him in his sight.

At the moment the two were playing a game of one on one tag - or at least that's what the (E/c) eyed boy had told Norman. Secretly, he had told the albino to be it so that way he could lead him off to a certain area. The boy had something planned for the both of them that the other would hopefully appreciate.

The further he ran he could see the setup start to come into view - the checkered blanket on the ground really stood out against the greens and neutral tones of the forest. While he was approaching however, he felt a force rushing into his side and a pair of arms tightly wrapping around his waist. A startled yelp left (Y/n)'s lips as himself and the other went falling to the ground below - he was only thankful they managed to land on a patch of grass and not dirt filled with rocks.

"Caught you!" Norman chirped, now hovering above the boy as he beamed down at him with a close eyed smile. The one below him could only blink a couple of times, taking a moment to comprehend what happened and eventually letting out a wholehearted laugh. Of course Norman would pull a stunt like that - he expected nothing less from him.

(Y/n) hummed sweetly as he stared up at the male above him with a softer expression. "I guess you did. I never was able to outrun you, so it's only expected." He said while one of his hands lifted to cup his cheek - it warmed his heart seeing the blush rise onto his pale skin and the way he nuzzled into his touch. "Since you won, I'll give you a prize." He then added on deviously, which caused Norman's eyes to snap open in alarm at his tone.

Not a second later though his cerulean eyes softened, instead forming a more loving gaze as he felt a warmth envelope his lips. Soon his eyes fluttered shut completely as he melted into the kiss - (Y/n)'s hands on his cheeks only tugged him down and closer, deepening it and drawing a contented sigh from his lover. Their lips moved in sync for some time, until the boy below decided to be the first to break away.

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