|ღ| Hanahaki Disease |ღ|

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"Can you do (Y/n) having hanahaki for Norman since she thinks he likes Emma, but Norman ends up realizing he's in love with (Y/n)."

Type: Angst, fluff

Warnings: Gore

Au's: None

Spoilers: None

A/N: Here you go! I hope I did alright ;w;

Also the babey's birthday is tomorrowwww! I'm working on a special oneshot for it and I'll probs try to do a quick doodle of the albino babey too qwq

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♡Everything would've been fine up until that one point in the escape plan where she overheard Norman say, "I like Emma, so that's why I want her to always be smiling."

♡After hearing that one line (Y/n) could feel a stinging pain start to claw it's way up her throat. Hastily, she excused herself from the trio and rushed back to the house, deciding to go to the bathroom since she assumed she was going to vomit.

♡The minute she got to the toilet and opened her mouth though she knew that wasn't the case - coughs and hacking sounded from her as she could feel a object lodged in her throat. It made it difficult to breathe as she did her best to get it up and out of her system.

♡The poor girl was wheezing and had a mix of saliva and blood drooling from her mouth. She could feel something sharp clawing at the sides of her throat, and when she managed to finally cough up what was blocking her airways she saw why.

♡A beautiful - yet now tainted with her blood - blue rose floated in the water below, stem and all. There were thorns still attached, which she assumed what was scratching up her throat so badly.

♡(Y/n) knew what is was, having read about the rare disease in a book once when she was bored. Needless to say she was mortified and sat in there for an hour, merely staring at the bloodied mess she had created and the painfully beautiful flower that came out of her.

♡Of course once she came to her senses she flushed the flower and cleaned up the mess - there was no way she could let anybody know about this incident. Plus, she was afraid they would catch on - especially Ray since he's probably read every damn book in that library.

♡Hiding it was a lot more difficult than she would've thought. With the escape plan on mind she had to be around the trio all the time; which, meant being around Norman and Emma. Seeing the two always made her stomach churn and throat sting.

♡Most of the time she had to run off without explanation so she could go to the bathroom. Each time she did it progressively got more worse and violent - one rose turned into two, then three, alongside a bunch of random petals and stray stems or leaves.

♡It was exhausting and was certainly taking a toll on her health. (Y/n) looked deader than ever and the amount of blood loss it had caused couldn't have been good - not to mention each time she felt so close to suffocating when she had to get those flowers out. Her voice was also more scratchy due to the damage done to her throat.

|✿| The Promised Neverland: Norman × Reader Oneshots |✿|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora