|ღ| Competitive |ღ|

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"Since Norman is like a god at strategy and chess, maybe you could do one where, although (Y/n) and Norman are a couple, they're super competitive towards each other. Whether it be in chess or tag."

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

Au's: None

Spoilers: None

A/N: Here you go lovelies. <3
I already have two more scenarios done, and hopefully I'll work on a oneshot tonight. uwu

Art Credit: ろじ (@popnnpn) on Twitter

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♡Before they were together, (Y/n) had always been slightly - or maybe a lot - jealous of how Norman seemed to win so easily at everything. She, much like Don, would challenge him a lot to games of tag.

♡Even when they got together she still did so. She loved Norman, but she loved winning against him even more. Would do her absolute best to drag him down so she could win.

♡Norman caught on pretty quickly to her competitive attitude - he found it amusing and cute, in a way.

♡At first he let her win a couple of times at the games they played, only so he could see how excited she got - even if she did rub it in his face, he didn't mind. He would merely smile and congratulate her.

♡However, it may or may not of bothered him a little how all their other siblings were now the ones praising her - Don had even stopped challenging Norman and rather started doing that to (Y/n) instead.

♡So, that's when he decided to stop and no longer held back. He wouldn't let her win so easily anymore, but even then he soon found out she was rather skilled with strategy like himself.

♡The two would compete a lot - chess games lasted hours on end, while tag always with those two being last and in a chase that seemed to go on for ages. They even started competing over test scores and who could do chores faster and more efficiently.

♡Needless to say that everything became a challenge to the two that they needed to beat the other at.

♡Norman concealed himself a lot better, while (Y/n) let her competitiveness show openly and would tease him whenever he lost to her.

♡They would also bet on who would win and the loser would have to do whatever it is they suggested. They ranged from doing the others chores to more romantic themes.

♡The albino would give her a close eyed, mischievous smile and say, "Okay. If I manage to tag you before the times up, then you have to give me a kiss."

♡Of course, that wouldn't have been the worst condition to lose to - (Y/n) still hated losing though and refused to give in. So, like any other round she was the last one and running away from him as fast as her legs could carry her.

♡Unfortunately, he caught her - he immediately shut up her whining by pressing his lips against hers as his hands went to cup her cheeks.

♡(Y/n) came back a flustered mess and had an angry pout, while Norman was practically beaming with a smug smile on his face. He would definitely place more bets like that against her.

♡While the two are competitive, they're never rude to each other. It's mainly just teasing and joking remarks whenever they talk about beating the other. Then there's also the bragging to the other for beating them afterwards.

♡Norman tends to win the most - his mind was beyond intelligent and strategies were impeccable, whereas (Y/n) was still developing hers.

♡If she were to ever seem genuinely upset about him being "better" than her, he would immediately comfort her - and, if she wanted, give her tips on how to beat him.

♡Basically their competitive sides is all in good fun and their way of being playful towards the other - not to mention Norman likes it because he gets a lot of kisses from her from winning.

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