Meant to be

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Requested by Grace3372

Hope you like it!!! Also thanks to my wonderful Editor


Ogay so let's get to it! This is kinda like part 3 to jealousy so yea!

Quackity POV

"Alright Sap, Karl see you guys later"! I yelled to them while they left. They are going to a convention today. I had declined their offer to accompany them because I had to stream. Once they had left I went to the streaming room and put up my ducky screen while I got myself a snack. When I came back I started my stream and played jackbox with the dream team (not sapnap , but bbh), Skeppy and Antfrost.


After I finished my stream and said my goodbye's I looked at my phone, sense I heard it go off during the stream indicating someone had texted me. I looked at the person's name and gasped loudly in a mix of shock and fear and dropped my phone, No. Dropped is an understatement. I more correctly threw it to the floor like my life depended on it. I was scared and I really hoped my phone would be okay. But why did he text me?!? I went to get my phone off the floor and right when I picked it up. The Doorbell rang, 'wait isn't sap and Karl supposed to be at the convention for another half hour'? Ask myself. 'Well then who could it be?' I walked to the door and looked through the peephole. And you wouldn't even guess who I saw . . . The person at the door was...



It was Jshlatt!? I quietly tried to go back to my room but then he spoke loudly. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE, ALEX I SAW YOUR STREAM. SAPNAP NOR KARL IS THERE TO PROTECT YOU! ". Oh my god what do I do?? 'Alright. Just breathe ,it'll be okay'. I slowly walked away and went into my shared bedroom.I then silently cried. He's right, I can't keep relying on them to be here to save me. I have to do it myself . Suddenly I heard the door unlock. Wait, He knows how to pick a lock!?

I heard the door open and immediately locked the door. "Quackity~ I just wanna talk~ c'mon baby~" Jshlatt said in a creepy tone. I started freaking out and didn't know what to do. I quickly got a razor from the bathroom and quietly unlocked my door and opened it. 'Hopefully I can at least do a little damage. I walked down the hallway and looked at the stairs and there I saw a smiling Jshlatt standing there holding a bobby pin and a wine glass. 'Okay now I'm scared' . I ran downstairs trying to get past him so I could get a knife. But he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned/slammed me to the wall. Then he started to forcibly kiss me and I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. He threw his wine glass to the floor, shattering it . After that it was all a blur. Next thing i know im being woken up by sapnap and karl. I looked at them and their faces showed confusion and fear. I looked at the house and saw things everywhere and i saw my clothes on the floor , all i had on was my boxers. Then everything started coming back to me.

"Alex what the hell happened! It looks like someone came in, and trashed the house and fucked you!." sapnap said "nobody fucked you right?" Karl said nervously thinking sapnap was joking."Well no. Of Course i didn't consent to it. He basically raped me and I barely even remember it." I told them. Karl looked scared and sapnap looked mad but confused. "Who ?"sap asked "JShlatt" .I answered . Now sapnap was mad i could see it in his eyes. "Why didn't you call us!" Karl almost yelled angrily. "I'm sorry but I just thought that I can't keep relying on you guys and I was going to but he somehow unlocked the door and I panicked and didn't know what to do! I'm sorry ok!!" I said while crying. I didn't like yelling at someone or getting yelled at.

"*sigh* it's fine i'm glad you stood up for yourself and please just be more careful next time and don't hesitate to call us okay". Sap said lovingly while holding my hand. "No! Don't say it's fine cause it's not okay! I don't want him getting hurt and trying to stand up for himself knowing that jshlatt will overpower him!"Karl said, still angry . I don't get why he's so mad. "Quackity please go to our room while i talk to him." sap said as he let go of my hand . I stood up and walked to the room and closed the door. " Why did Karl yell at me, why is he so angry at me, why am I so useless ,why can't I do anything right, if only I was stronger and if only I was more helpful I could listen to Karl and he won't yell at me. "I said while walking to the restroom ," Yea that's it. Wait what if they're planning on leaving me , no they can't leave i love them t-they won't leave me right." I didn't know i was having a panic attack until i looked up in the mirror and saw how messed up i was, my hair was all ruffled from being pulled i had scratches on my chest, I looked horrible. No wonder they don't like me. I'm ugly and skinny, I don't look presentable at all.Suddenly I heard the door handle twist and sapnap's voice. "Alex, baby can you please unlock the door" . "N-no" . I said. Then i heard karl's voice , "Alex i'm really sorry i was being stupid and i was just mad that you didn't contact us and i was worried that you could have got really hurt". I walked over and unlocked the door it opened and out came both karl and sapnap running towards me and giving me both hugs and kisses. "And hey I heard you in the bathroom and I think you're more than amazing Alex, you're the music that's been playing in my head since the day that we first met." Karl said(Who knows the reference?) . "Okay now that was corny" I said ,and we all laughed.Maybe we were meant to be.

Helloooooo all my gays , lesbians, straights, Ace's, Poly's, Bi's, And all of my other lovelies  how are yall. I'm doing fine. I was actually going to ask if we could do something. So basically i'm doing a little QandA and i want you guys to be in it. So ask away please it could be anything.You can also ask about the book and character's , just for the Qand A i'll break the fourth wall ;). Just nothing mean or something you know i probably answer. I'll try to answer all of them to my best capabilites. Love you guys!!! 

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