oh shut up karen

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This was a request by    GiglsAFangirlUwU

Its been a Year since sapnap got together in a relationship and sapnap was starting to think that they dont do anything together anymore so he wanted to go on a date with them . And ofcourse karl said yes to the idea but quackity ofcourse had to add something. 

"But why ? I dont have any objections but ,why do you think that". Quackity questioned.

"well i'm just saying that we dont spend that much time together like that anymore like we used to do ,sigh*what im trying to say is that i just want us to do something together that we'll remeber!"  sapnap said back 

"well i got something you'll remeber " Quackity says with hunger in his eyes as he grabs sapnaps waist. 

"mmm..lets save that for later "sapnap says while biting his lip blushing deeply "YEAH SO HURRY UP SLOW POKES"karl yells from outside . "ALRIGHT WERE COMING" alex yells back. quackity pulls sapnap in for a passiont kiss, it went for like a minute before sapnap pulled away  "mmm lets go"quackity says "mhm"sapnap nods in aggrement

                                                            ~Time Skip Cause Im Lazy~

when they got out the car they arived at the mall ."sooo what will we do first "karl said "umm lets go get clothes and stuff first" nick said "alright lets go to the WSS right there to get shoes" karl said "yeah lets goo" quackity said excited sapnap and karl both giggled "seems like somebody excited"karl said  "well yea !this is the first time we all went out as a couple on a date ". quackity said they giggled again at quackity adorable ness .

as they enterd the store quackity said that he'll go the next eilse so karl and sap where alone together "hehe aww noo your'e just made that im taller than you " sapnap said teasing him "No! like by an inch"karl said back "see!exactally you just said "sapnap giggled teasing him more "*huff*whatever"karl said trying to be serious "aww im sowwy babyy" sapnap said i a baby voice . He took karl in his arms and gave him kisses all on his face ,karl started giggling trying to push him away "hehe stoppp"karl said giggling .

"Ahem" someone behind them said "umm yes is there something wrong miss" sapnap said politely ."Yes your'e blocking the line " ,"uhh but there is'nt any line miss"karl said "yea because you held it up with your'e weird gay selfs" .'umm excuse me but first off all im not gay im bisexual and second of all nothings wrong with being gay so you can be quite" sapnap said ticked off.

 "oh well im sorry but thats still being gay and your'e still disgusting "she said sarcasticly . "I'm sorry but if you don't leave me and my boyfriends alone i'm gonna call security!!!!"someone yelled pushing his self through to be nun other than Quackity ."Uhh and you are?" she says "Names alex and i need you to leave my bofriends alone you KAREN"Alex said saying the last word angrly and loudly. "*gasp*urgh even more gay weird freaks" karen says as she storms off out the store .

"well that was crazy " alex said tiredly. "you can say that again"karl aggreed nodding. "Thanks for that big Q" ofcourse" 

~!!!Well guys that was a fun thing to write because i really hate homophobics and people who are like karens so it was fun to let out some steam!!~

karlnapity oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora