Jealousy part 2

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No ones POV

While sapnap dream and george where doing what ever they were doing,karl and quackity were just bored at home and sad. 

"Yknow what!" Quackity said annoyed. "Mm" karl hummed back while still looking at the TV . "how about we make him feel sad and mad and all of that stuff so he can see how we felt when he leaves like this!" Karl paused the TV and looked at Alex with intress. "so what do you want to do then" karl said now fully facing alex. Quackity smirked and asked"Hows your back?" "Uh good why" Quackity's smirk grew bigger and he pulled karl in for a kiss. "Lets make him pay shall we " Karl blushed hard and said "y-yes sir" . 

Back with sappynappy

"Soooo is everything ready to go dreamy~" Sapnap asked firting  "yes sirrrrr~" dream flirted back  "Omg can you guys stop being stupid" "Aww is georgie jealous ,don't wowwy Georgie you can kiss me too" Sap said in a baby voice George blushed and said "whatever lets just get this over with " George started walking into the backyard to finish what he was doing. Dream and sapnap both started giggling at george's cuteness and walked to the backyard too.


"Okay guys i think imma head home now . I don't want karl or quackity to start thinking things. "Haha well okay see you tomorrow ,and dont forget to blind fold them!!!!" Dream said and yelled the last part while sap walked out the door. He walked back to the backyard to help george finish with the finishing touches. 

      (Oh and to be clear karl and quackity didn't really do" it" cause they didnt want to be that mean. so they where just making out)

    "I'M HOMEEE!" sapnap Yelled . He didnt hear a response so he thought they were sleep. He went to there room and saw quackity and karl Makingout and when he said "can i join?" they didn't stop nor look at him so he just said "ok" and walked away. 

After a little while they both came down to the kitchen where sapnap was . He was in a apron making food for them. They both awed at how cute there boyfriend looked . They quickly wiped the faces off once sapanp came to the table and put plates down and said" enjoy! I hope you like it. I made veggies and chicken". Karl and Alex both sat down and karl took notice that there was only two plates not three,so he thought he already ate before coming home. But quackity didn't. so He asked" Hey sap aren't you gonna eat" Quackity asked. "oh! no im fine i'm not really hungry" Sapnap lied. Really he was just sad that his boyfriends were ignoring him so he didnt want to eat tonight. He was happy just seeing his boyfriends eat. 

"o-oh well ok" Quackity said But he knew something was up, he always knew when something was up with sapanp.

Sapnap was about to leave when karl grabbed his arm. "Yea karl?" sap asked *sigh*"I can't take this anymore sappy" karl said looking down "w-what do you mean"sapnap said worried "Are you cheating on us" Karl said looking strait in sapanps redish orange eyes. "Wha- no why would you eve-" "Just anwer the question" Karl said "B-but where did this come up surely not you guys didnt thin-" "STOP DOGGING THE QUESTION NICK" quackity yelled at him. Quackity never yells at sap or calls him by his first name because he knows that when dream betrayed him dream would always yell at him and always call him his first name. (BTW - dream and sapnap became friends again .Dream said sorry and sapnap made him walk across lava as a test to see if he deserves friendship again. Dream died a few times but he still did it because he wanted sapanp back.But sapnap still has trama from what dream did) Sapnap started to tear up ,Quackity quickly covered his mouth and started apoligising . Sapnap started crying while saying " i-i didnt c-cheat i was just spending alot of time with dream and george because I-i *hiccup*Was making something for you guys ". "i was going to p-propose to you guys". Sapnap finished. Karl and quackity both looked at each other and then back at sapnap and rushed to hug him. Sapnap was sandwitched between them and quackity pulled them to the floor so there were all huddled up on the floor. "I'm sorry" Karl and Quackity both said to sapanp "*sniff* i-it's okay. " 

        The Next Day. 

"Cmon hurry up " " okay okay i'm going" " i can't even see! how am i supposed to go!!" "I  don't know how about you trust your boyfriend." "yea yea."

"okayyyy~ you can take them off now." 

Karl and Quackity both took off there blind folds and where amazed from what they saw. 

There was a beautiful white gizebo with white and blue lights everywhere. There was even a red carpet!!! . George and Dream were both at the sides of sapnap wearing green and blue siuts while sapanp wore a red one with red bows on each of his space buns.( He looked so handsome and cute and KAWAIIII.ok let me stop). Sapnap gently grabbed both of there hands and said "Karl, Alex  you both made me the luckyest man on the world . Even when dream betrayed me-"

"Hey! i said sorry!"dream said George slapped the back of his head . 

Karl and quackity laughed as they looked back at sapanp. " You guys have been with me through thick and thin so please would you both do thee honor of marrying me." Sapnap finished while opening a little box with Three rings and each had a unique disign . Karl's was a purple band with a lttle dimond on it and in side it had the Anitals KQS With a heart on it. Quackity's was the same just it was a dark blue band with the Anitals QSK . And sapnap's was a red ring with the Anitals SKQ.
 "YES YES" karl and quackity both said crying . Sapnap started crying and kissed both of them passionately. 

While they where all celabrating they had no idea some one was watching from afar.

~Soooo it looks like your getting married mm~ well as they say Everything has to came to a end~ see you soon Quackity~~~~.

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