''You will finish it later,'' and with that, he opened the door to the smallest room on the floor, entering the cozy little library with its own bar in the middle, the familiar room making Jisoo smile softly.

Seokjin used to take her up there a lot back in the day, it's where they usually got the most privacy from all the snooping people in the palace.

Closing the door after them, Seokjin pulled her to one of the leather couches to sit down.

There was a short silence before he turned towards her slowly, gnawing at his lip anxiously.

''Did you sign it?'' Jisoo watched him quietly before reaching for her pocket and taking out the folded arrangement.

''I did,'' she handed it to him with a small smile and Seokjin couldn't help the wide grin splitting his face.

And neither could he help reaching out for the girl and hugging her tightly to his chest.

Surprised, Jisoo blushed in his hold before bringing her arms up slowly, hugging him back.

They stayed like that for a while before Seokjin spoke.

''Jisoo I'm so very sorry.'' The girl pursed her lips, holding him tighter as she felt tears at the corners of her eyes, ''I was such an idiot this whole time, scared of God knows what when all this could have been avoided so much earlier.''

''It's alright. We both have been scared of what the future would hold for us if we followed our hearts. I was a coward too. Instead of wanting to work this out I avoided you and have been mean to you in an attempt to cover up my own feelings for you. I was so stupid.'' The first tear fell and Seokjin pulled back a bit, holding her face in his hands tenderly.

''Don't say that So-ah, you had all the right reasons to be upset with me. And you were right. It wasn't the right time to get back together if we didn't dare to fight for it. But I'm willing to now. I don't want to ever be apart from you from now on. I love you. I always have but now I want to prove it to you. Will you let me prove it to you?'' he looked into her teary eyes desperately, searching for the answer.

Yet, Jisoo was too busy sniffing and swallowing down her cries of relief to answer him properly. And so she hugged him tightly once again, hiding her face in his chest.

''Shhhh, don't cry darling, everything's alright,'' cooed Seokjin softly, petting her hair in reassurance.

''All this time I've been waiting for this moment. I've missed you so much, I was slowly going crazy thinking we would never make things better again. And now-now-'' Seokjin shushed her gently, the girl was a stuttering mess as tears continued to roll down her cheeks, wetting his shirt.

''I know, I know. It's been a long time but we will make up for it all. I will make up for it all, I promise.''

The two stayed in silence as Jisoo slowly calmed down, relaxing against his chest while Seokjin stroked her hair, watching Jisoo's signature on the paper in his hand with a small smile.

''But I want us to go slow.'' Seokjin raised his eyebrows, looking down at her who was already done crying, wiping her cheeks with her sleeves as she slowly pulled away.

''Slow?'' Jisoo looked up at him, nodding.

''Yes, after all, I still am a bride in official terms. It would be dangerous if anyone suspected something.'' Seokjin nodded, sighing heavily.

After all these months without her, he just wanted to have her already but he understood her concerns and agreed with her fully. It would cause a lot of trouble if the wrong person got evidence of them being together. And the last thing Seokjin wanted was to mess things up just when they started to turn back around for the better.

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