Chapter 26: This is it

Start from the beginning

"You? What are you doing here?"

"I think you know the answer to that. Wait! Maira now it's my turn to speak." I tell her before she can open her mouth to protest. "You decided for me last time too that I don't want to marry you, that I am an impulsive stupid person who doesn't stand by his words or doesn't know what he is doing. The thing is I am well aware of what I am doing, and I don't need to think twice once I said that I wanna marry you. So, please accept that. Just think of it as any other marriage proposal that has come for you and then take any decision. It's a yes from my side just tell me your answer now and please think before taking any decision."

I can see her thinking wheels turning. "Well, I think I need to inform you that I have certain conditions before I tell you, my decision." I gesture her to speak.

"Well, I have a few of them. So,

1) I will work after marriage,

2) Whatever I earn half of it goes to our household expenses while I shall never be questioned about the other half.

3) I am not accustomed to wearing heavy clothes daily, so I shall have the freedom to wear whatever I want, rest assured I would never wear anything explicit.

4) I shall have the right to make any decisions regarding my life and career

5) I want you to marry me because of who I am and not who my family is because I am not going to take a single penny from my parents whether at the time of marriage or after it,

6) I want you to be always honest with me no matter how harsh the truth is;

I will look after your family and try to fulfill my duties as their daughter-in-law, but I am not the most talented person when it comes to household chores, in fact I hate household chores. While I would want to keep everyone happy, I will do whatever is possible in my capacity seeing I will also be a working woman. If you feel at any point that you don't want a working wife, know that I am not the right person because I have worked hard enough to be where I am and I don't want to let it go down the drain.

If you accept all these conditions, I have no problem." I know she thinks she will scare me off by this, but I can understand the reasons behind each one of her conditions.

"Maira, I want you to know that before being my wife you'll be a lawyer, always. You will always have my support in whatever decisions you take as long as they are reasonable and right for you. I will never ask you to make sacrifices for my family but maybe a few adjustments which both of us will have to make for this new relationship. You will never lose your individuality because of this relationship and that is a promise I am making to you today."

"Look, Prince-"

"For god's sake Maira please call me Jai or else I will go crazy."

"I am contemplating because the idea of you going crazy might be a bit appealing but then you are already so crazy, I wonder... Do I want a crazier version?" She makes a serious thinking face.

"Please call me Jai." I literally beg her folding my arms.

"No need to be dramatic. We already have had enough drama to last for a lifetime. So, Jai, I just want you to think before taking your decision now, and I will ponder over it too. Again, it's not a trial-and-error thing. If this thing goes ahead just know you'll be stuck with me forever with no recourse." I don't know if she's threatening me or tempting me, either way I am happy that she called me Jai. It was nearly impossible for me to focus on anything she said after taking my name.

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