Chapter 43

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating, I have been terribly sick. Don't worry, it was not Covid, but just a cold. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It felt like we had been trying to find the distress signal for hours, you were getting worried it was a trap to get you guys away from Lloyd and Garmadon. 

"How much farther to that distress call?" Nya asked. 

"Should be approaching it now?" Zane told her, and we all kept an eye out. 

"I don't see it," Cole said, but we kept looking. 

"There! That's gotta be it!" Kai said and pointed to a building's top just barely sticking out of the black clouds.

"That's the Ninjago News Center," Nya said. 

"It's covered in those... things." Kai pointed out. 

"I guess they didn't evacuate in time,"  Cole said. 

"I'll bring us in over the rooftop. You guys, get them out of there before the clouds swallow the entire building. Y/n you're gonna have to stay with me." Nya told us her plan. You wanted to help, but you weren't sure how much you would be at this moment. 

"Come on, Cole!" Jay shouted to him, and they raced over to the ladders. 

We lowered both Cole and Jay down with the ladders and saw people streaming out onto the roof. 

As you help the people onto the Bounty, you spotted the Black tentacles drawing too near for comfort. 

"Cole! The clouds!" You shouted to him and pointed towards the edge of the roof. Cole and Jay hurried people along and got everyone on board the Bounty. 

"Okay, Nya! Get us out of here!" Jay shouted as everyone was safely on the Bounty and Cole and Jay climbed up the ladders. 

"You got it!" Nya shouted and weaved herself through all the people to get to the steering wheel. 

"Cole!" Both you and Jay shouted as he fell from the ladder, but luckily he grabbed it again by the end of it. Bad thing was, the other half of the rope snapped, leaving Cole dangling. 

"I got it! I think I did!" Cole shouted by as he just grabbed onto the ladder the rope snapped, and he began falling. 

"COLE!" You and Jay shouted. Everything felt like slow motion, it didn't take long before the clouds consumed him. 

"COLE!" You shouted, and you felt your knees buckle. You fell to your knees and tears began falling like wild rivers. 

People rushed over to you since they thought something was wrong. Jay climbed his way up and saw you and ran over, pushing other people out of the way. 

Jay placed a hand gently on your shoulder, and you looked at him. Jay saw the look on your face and pulled you into a tight hug. You cried into his hand while clutching his shirt

Not only had you lost your best friend, but you had also lost a brother, a brother you never had yourself. 

After everything being said and done, Jay took you to the control room where everyone else was. 

Everyone was your distraught face but didn't ask any questions. For now, the only thing you guys could do was keep a lookout for P.I.X.A.L.

"Guys, P.I.X.A.L. is running on fumes. Unless we hurry, we will not reach her in time." Zane said as we spotted her on our radar. 

"Oh, yes, we will. I'm not losing anyone else today. Y/n, you better hold on to something." Nya warned you and pressed the button for maximum speed. 

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