Chapter 9

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You and Cole got back to the Bounty as fast as you could. You two took turns holding the baby, but it wouldn't be long before both of your arms would tire. 

"Wait for a second, Cole, hold the baby for a moment." You handed the baby to Cole, and he gently took him into his arms. 

You began the upper part of your ninja gi off. 

"Wow, hey! What do you think you're doing?" Cole looked shocked at you. 

"Oh calm down, I'm just creating a sling to have the baby in, come on, help me tie the arms around my back." You took the baby from him again and Cole tied the arms of your ninja gi together. 

"There, that should do it," Cole said and tugged on the arms to make sure they were tied tightly enough. 

"Okay buddy, into the sling you go." You carefully placed the baby into the makeshift sling and made sure he was secure. 

"That should do it, we better get out of here." You said and began running, Cole right behind you. 

You still held on arm under the sling just to make sure the baby wouldn't fall out of the sling. 


It was almost sunset when you and Cole finally made it back to the Bounty. 

"Stay here, I will climb up first and then help you up." Cole climbed onto the bounty where you heard the others greeting him with cheers. 

"Cole, remember me!" You shouted. 

"Sorry y/n!" You heard him shout back. Cole threw down a rope ladder, and you began carefully climbing it and held onto the baby at the same time. 

When you were almost at the edge of the Bounty, you felt Cole wrap an arm around and held onto your other arm, and helped you onto the Bounty. 

"Is he okay?" Cole asked. 

"He's still asleep, so I would assume yes he is." You said and looked at the baby. 

"Y/n..." You heard someone say. 

"Hey, guys... Why are you looking at me like that?" you questioned. 

"It's the baby, isn't it?" You said. 

"Since when were you pregnant!?" Jay exclaimed. 

"SHH! I was never pregnant, you doofus, we found him at Son's of Garmadon's lair." You explained. 

"Oh yeah...Haha, I know that." Jay tried to defend himself. 

"Y/n?" You heard an awfully familiar voice. 

"Lloyd..." You looked at him and smiled as he walked over to you. As he walked over he spotted the baby in your arms. 

"Who's this little guy?" He asked.

"We don't know, we found him at the lair. Ultra Violet said something about him being the third key or something like that," you explained. 

"What about Zane, anyone heard from him?" Cole asked.

As if in one queue, we all heard an alarm go off from the control room, and we all rushed towards it. 

"I have detected an emergency signal from Zane" P.I.X.A.L explained and showed us where on the map he was. 

"In the middle of the desert, what is he doing out there?" Kai asked. 

"Don't know, but we gotta get there before anyone else does. P.I.X.A.L set course to go after Zane," Lloyd ordered. 

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