Chapter 7

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You and Zane were on an old rundown train with Ultra Violet and Mr. E standing on either side of you. 

You and Zane saw an on-coming train coming right you. Zane began to panic and looked around, the others riding with us. You wanted to panic but decided to keep your cool and panic on the inside. 

At the last second, another pathway open and the train nearly avoided the other. 

Not long after, you arrived at what looked like an abandoned train station. 

"It's time you meet the Big Man." Ultra Violet said.

"The Big Man? " Zane questioned. 

Ultra Violet and Mr. E grabbed hold of you and Zane and pushed you two towards a giant pair of doors. None inside, you were met with a hideout of some sort. 

Ultra Violet and Mr. E Continued to push you two towards a group. The last push that they gave you was pretty hard and Zane ended up falling. You wanted to help him up but decided against it.

Zane came face-to-face with another member who growled at him, but Zane only raised an eyebrow. 

" you're the Big Man?" Zane asked. 

"And you're the scum who saved Mr. E." You heard a voice from behind the guy in front of you. Zane stood up and you both saw the giant man behind everyone. 

"They say your names are Snake Jaguar and Chameleon. What sort of names is that?" The guy laughed. 

"The sort that can put you on your backside if you have to ask." Zane stepped forward and you remained still and silent. 

The big guys roared and charged at Zane, before stopping in front of him and roaring right in his face. You crossed your arms and looked back at Ultra Violet with a raised eyebrow. 

She saw your look and just shrugged her shoulders. 

But Zane didn't lose hope and growled right back at him, which caused the guy to laugh. 

"So you're in charge of the Sons of Garmadon," Zane asked, causing the guy to laugh even more.

"He thinks I'm in charge." The guy shouted and it caused everyone to laugh. 

"I'm Killow. It's my job to decide who's in and who's out. You wanna know more about us, first, you gotta become one of us. And to be a Son of Garmadon, you two first have to ride with us. So what do you say, boys and girls? Shall we take them to the Teeth?" Killow asked the other members. 

Everyone began to shout teeth, agreeing with Killow. 

"What are the Teeth?" Zane asked, you were curious as well. 

"As I said, you want answers, first you have to ride," Killow told Zane. 

"They don't have a bike." Ultra Violet laughed, which caused everyone to laugh. You could easily summon a motorcycle with your elemental powers, but you didn't want to give yourself away. 

"You two want to join a motorcycle gang, and you have no bike?" Killow laughed at you two, and the other boo'ed at you. 

"I rammed it right down those Ninja' throats. They had it coming." Zane came up with a quick lie to throw them off. 

"Yeah, and they stole mine and totaled it, they're gonna pay for that." You sneered and clutched your hands together. 

"You two can share Ultra Violet's," Killow said and gestured towards her, which she was quite taken aback by. 

"What? What? But I wanna ride." Ultra Violet sounded really angry. 

"The Quiet One wants you here," Killow told Ultra Violet. She looked unsatisfied but didn't put up a fight. 

"The Quiet One? " Zane whispered. 

" That must be the Big Man they speak of." You whispered back. 


Zane transformed into Ultra Violet and you transformed into another member and you both walked down to the cells. 

"I want a word with the Ninja! In private!" 'Ultra Violet' Said. 

"Oh, hey, easy. Of course, Ultra Violet. He's all yours." The first guard said. 

"Yeah, as long as it's not me. Do whatever you want." They both walked off. 

"I ain't in the mood, sunshine." Cole crossed his arms. 

You and Zane looked around and deemed it was safe to reveal yourselves. 

"Zane! Y/n!" Cole sounded very happy to see you two. 

"Shh!" You both shushed him. 

"Oh, haha! Oh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Cole said. 

"Did they hurt your eyes?" Zane asked, and you hung your head understanding what Cole meant. 

"Yes. No. I'll explain later. Just get me outta here. They have the key to the third mask." Cole explained to us. 

"The key?" you both asked. 

"If they unite all the masks, they're gonna resurrect Lord Garmadon. The bad one! Four arms and all. We need to get that key and get outta here." Cole explained. Both you and Zane hesitated a little. 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Unlock the door. Let's go!" Cole said. 

"We can't. We need to ride with them to learn who's behind all this." Zane explained to Cole. 

"They're gonna get all the masks! Who cares who's in charge?" You could hear Cole getting more frustrated. 

"When the station clears, break out. Break out and steal the key." Zane explained a plan. Then you heard Ultra Violet's voice. 

"Good luck, friend," Zane said and you both hide from Ultra Violet. 

After Ultra Violet left, you stopped Zane. 

"I will go help Cole break out, you go race the others." You told him. 

"What? But if you're not there, they might think something's up with us." You could see the panic in his eyes. 

"Maybe not." You said. You used your elemental powers to make a doppelgänger. You had spent months training this skill, and it would finally pay off. 

"This Doppelgänger will do everything you say, while I try to break Cole free." You told him. 

"Okay... Well, follow me, Chameleon." Zane said, and your doppelgänger followed him. 

'I hope this goes well.' You thought as you ran off. 

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