Chapter 38

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It's been some months since you defeated The Sons of Garmadon. It had taken some time, but most of Ninjago City had been rebuild, and everyone was living in peace. 

You were heavily pregnant, and not far away from giving birth to two new ninjas. Turns out the reason you were so big already was that you were carrying twins the whole time. You still remember when you and Lloyd went to the clinic and found out. 


"Are you excited to see our baby?" You asked Lloyd as he was sitting next to you in the waiting room. 

"Excited, but also nervous." Lloyd smiled at you. 

"What are you so nervous about?" You gave his hand a good squeeze. 

"What if something is wrong, or they turn out like my dad." Lloyd began listing all his worries. 

"Hey, You're their father, so I wouldn't worry about that. As long as they have you as a father, I know they're gonna be a good person." You told him and put his hand on your stomach. 

"And they'll be lucky to have you as a mother," Lloyd said while he stroked your stomach. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Garmadon, the doctor is ready to see you now." A nurse came out. You two followed her into the room, and she instructed you to lay down on the bed. 

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Garmadon Are you ready for your ultrasound?" The doctor smiled at you. 

"As ready as can be." You told them. 

"Excellent, Now the gel may be a little cold, so you might get a little cold." The doctor told you before putting the gel on you. When they said it would be cold, you didn't expect it to be that cold, but you put on a brave face. 

"As far I understand, this is your first visit to any clinic right?" The doctor asked. 

"Yes, it is," Lloyd confirmed. 

"Well this may come as a surprise, but you're actually having twins." The doctor told you. You whipped your head towards them in pure shock, and then you looked at Lloyd, who looked just as shocked, 

"Please tell me you're not joking." You squeezed Lloyd's hand, and it felt like you were about to cry. 

"Serious as can be, if you two looked at the screen right here, you can see them." The doctor pointed to the screen, and you saw two small babies.

"That would explain your concern about being so big already as you wrote on the document." The doctor said. 

You placed your hand over your mouth and looked at Lloyd, who was also looking at the screen. 

"We're having twins." You said to him, which got his attention. 

"We're having twins." Lloyd smiled at you. 

After the initial shock was over, the doctor told you both babies were healthy and scheduled a new appointment for a new check-up. 

"Before you two leave, Would you like an ultrasound picture of your babies." The doctor smiled at you. 

"Very much indeed." You told them. While they did that, you got cleaned up and waited for them. 

"Here you go, there is your picture of your babies." The doctor handed you a folder with the picture inside. 

"Thank you so much, I guess we'll see you next time." You thanked the doctor. 

"We definitely will, Mrs. Garmadon, have a save drive home." The doctor told you, and you continued on your way. 

A New Beginning (Lloyd x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن