Chapter 16

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I don't know what to feel right now. My heart was racing so much. When they start to sing, I can't hear anything. I was looking at him and it felt like only him and me were present there and everything else is so blur. I was hoping he would see me, but he didn't. Suddenly the announcer said,

"If anyone interested in singing please come forward"

I don't know what I thought. I heard Jay calling behind me.
"Sunghoon, wtf where are you going, hey hey, yaahhh.... "

And when I realized myself what I was doing, I'm already on the stage. I don't know how I got the courage, I just want him to look at me. He was walking down from the stage with Jungwon and some other boys.

"Hello, my name is Sunghoon" I said looking at him. He suddenly stopped walking and turned towards me, our eyes met. I can see through his eyes he is really shocked to see me there.

"I'm going to sing a song for my loved one, whom I loved for so many years. Hope my love will forgive me after hearing said and started to sing.

It’s a different place, a different time
But my love is right
Even by your scent that passes with the wind
I know it’s you

but i don't know
When did you start living in my heart?
i don't know
The reason my heart flutters when I see you

You can pass me by
Because you forgot about me
Until you remember
I will wait for you

My love, look at me
Do you still love me?
My love, look at my eyes and tell me
A heart full of love can’t be hidden

Don’t ever forget the truth
That I was by your side
Don’t erase my heart
That could sacrifice everything for you

but i don't know
When did you start living in my heart?
i don't know
The reason my heart flutters when I see you

You can pass me by
Because you forgot about me
Until you remember
I will wait for you

In the same place, in the same time, we’re together
You can always come to me, back to your place With you, for you My love, look at me

             Do you still love me?

Throughout the song, he was only looking at me never leaving my eyes. When I finished the song, he slightly smiled at me. May be I have a chance.

Song: for you(moon lovers ost)

"My love, look at me, do you still love me? "

Forever With You\\ SunSun AuWhere stories live. Discover now