my dear Sunshine,

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Hello my sunshine! 

Naisama ko ito rito, not to promote or get your sympathies. I'm here, because I want us to make a difference in our society today. We are very much aware of bullying and body shaming right? Sunshine, please take time to read this post. I actually posted it on my facebook account, and It was a little about the experience I had. So, I was bullied during my primary and secondary levels and I want you to know how it felt like, if you're lucky to not experience it or if you're someone who was also bullied or body shamed, please know that you are not alone. Okay? you have me. From the moment you guys became my supporters, I was also yours. Let's standout and make a difference from our society today okay? 

I've also noticed that it's a lot easier when you're opening to a stranger than to those who're close to you. So, whenever you got problems or something that's triggering your mental health, please do not hesitate to send me a message here. 

I love you guys!

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