
590 39 20

Third person POV
August of 2020

Hey come over!
I'm streaming and I want to introduce you to everyone

I'll be over in a sec!

   Oakley quickly powered off her phone, not even waiting for a response from the 16 year old boy.

   The girl quickly went down the stairs and slid on her shoes.

   "Mom I'll be over at Tommy's!" The girl yelled out. Off in the distance she heard an okay. Quickly the girl opened her door and left her house.

  The warm summer air hit her skin, making her smile. She had always loved summer.  

    When she entered the boys house she was greeted by Tommy's mother. With a quick hello to his mom she went upstairs.

   "DREAM YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" The noise of the boys yelled bounced off the walls. Oakley let out a small laugh before she opened her door.

   "I'm streaming, I'm streaming." He quickly said, just in case if it was his mother or father.

   "It's me." Oakley said softly. Quickly Tommy muttered a come in. As he told her to come in he had muted the discord call that he was in.

   Tommy's stream was basically exploding at the sight of the girl. They were all greatly confused on who she was.

   "What's up bitch!" Tommy yelled pulling his best friend into a hug. This made his chat explode even more.

"We'll chat, this is Oakley! My best friend! Chat she's also American. Can you believe it!" Tommy sighed. Oakley let out a laugh and took a seat next to the sixteen year old.

"Hello chat!" Oakley said waving at the camera. Hellos ran through the chat quite quickly.

"Is that the dream smp?" Oakley asked pointing towards Tommy's screen. Tommy quickly nodded and began moving his character around.

He was surrounded by a group of people. Oakley quickly began to read over their gamer tags. Dream, Tubbo, Wilbur Soot, and Sapnap.

"I'm gonna unmute in my discord call okay." Tommy said turning towards the girl. She gave him a quick nod.

"Tommy who's the girl on your screen?" Wilbur asked. Tommy quickly unplugged his headphones and sat them down on his desk, making it so the two of them could both here.

"Guys this is Oakley! Oakley these are my friends Wilbur, Tubbo, Dream, and Sapnap. Dream and sapnap are Americans like you." Tommy ranted. Sapnap and Dream, those names sound oddly familiar.

"Hello. I'm Oakley." The girl spoke softly.

   All the way on the other side of the world both Dream and sapnap thought over the name. It seemed greatly familiar to them but they couldn't quite pinpoint where they saw it.

   It was probably just some fan. Sapnap thought to himself but something deep down was telling him that it was more than that.

   "Oakley can you come down here!" The voice of Motherinnit called. Oakley muttered a quick goodbye before leaving Tommy's room.

~Love Oakley {Sapnap}Where stories live. Discover now