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Third person POV

   The next few chapters will not be as long as the rest. I am making them shorter so this book can be longer. If I don't add short chapters like this, this book will end up only being like 10 chapters hahah. Anyway enjoy!!

"Wait Oakley! I didn't mean it like that!" He yelled out to at this point no one. He knew, in that moment, he shouldn't of said that. Nick instantly had regretted what he said the moment the words left his mouth.

In that moment he was hurt, confused, and even angry. He didn't even choose the words that left his mouth. He just said the first thing that came to his mind.

Nick paced the room for hours, hoping she would come back so he could apologize. He felt absolutely terrible. Guilt was eating him alive at this point.

   After hours of the pointless painting the girl reappeared. Nick froze his footsteps and he noticed the tear stains on her cheeks.

   "Can you stop pacing. It's annoying." She said with a bored expression. Nick didn't know what came over him but he reached towards her and instantly pulled her to him.

   Her skin was cold against his but he didn't care. Oakley was shocked as Nick hugged her. She furrowed her eyebrows confused. Slowly her arms wrapped around the boy and she rested her head against his shoulder.

   "I'm so sorry Oakley. I didn't mean that to come out. Please just let me explain." Nick said pulling back. She nodded slowly and stepped away from him, taking her normal seat, while he took his normal seat on the bed.

   "Zara and I had gotten into a fight a few minutes before we talked. I wasn't going through Twitter, I was going through our texts." Nick paused and scratched his head.

   "She got mad at me for not calling her back and it started an argument. I was angry at her. Then you started explaining how you might be able to come back to life and I became confused. I let my emotions get the best of me and I just wanted to hurt someone and you were the only one here." Nick mumbled regretfully. Oakley just eyed him, not saying a word.

   Slowly Oakley stood up and walked over to Nick. He just watched every single move that she made. She then sat down beside him. Slowly she sat her head on his shoulder and looked forward.

   "I am sorry you and Zara caught. Are you guys okay?" She asked softly. Nick smiled softly and rested his head on-top of the girls.

   "Yes we are okay." He spoke softly. The two sat there in silence staring ahead at the window where Oakley normally sits. The old white paint slowly chipping away.

   Actually as you looked around the room you could see the paint that Oakley once had on her walls was slowly chipping away.

   "Nick you should wait the walls." Oakley said randomly. Nick lifted his head and looked down at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"All of the paint is chipping away." She said with a simply shrug.

"Oakley of you end up coming back to life there is no point in my painting the walls." Nick mumbled with a chuckle. Oakleys smile slowly widened as she began to laugh as well.

What could she say, his laugh was contagious. After the two stopped their laughing fit, they just sat there in silence. That's when Oakley got an idea.

   She quickly stood up and grabbed a small container of paint that Nick had stored under his desk. She grabbed a paint brush before sitting on the floor next to his desk, where a large portion of empty wall was. Nick just watched her confused.

   Oakley dipped the brush into the black paint before slowly pressing the paint into the wall. Slowly and carefully she began painting a flower.

   Unlike the pieces of paper she would draw on, Nick could actually see this art. She was quite good at it too.

   With a small smile Nick also grabbed a brush and dipped it into the paint. He too began painting some small random things along the wall, only he wasn't as good at painting as she was.

   "Nick what are you doing?" A new voice pulled him out of his painting. His head snapped behind him. He saw Zara standing here with a small smile. He looked over where Oakley once sat to notice she was gone. Nick sat down the paintbrush and stood up.

   He looked down at what Nick and Oakley painted and smiled. Oakley painted a beautiful sunflower while Nick just painted random little things.

   "Wow Nick I didn't know you could paint!" Zara exclaimed pointing towards the flower. Nick smiled softly but didn't say anything back.

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