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Third Person POV

   Oakley had disappeared for a while out of random. Nick was beyond confused where she had gone. She was just gone. The two hadn't gotten in an argument, and she showed no signs of hurting. She was just gone.

   Nick often looked for her. His hopes of her showing up slowly started to disappear. He had become worried and very anxious because of this.

   He would randomly snap at Zara or his mother. He would often go out into the woods and call out to the girl, only to get no response in return. It was almost as if she never existed in the first place.

"Nick what has been wrong with you?" Zara asked sitting down next to the boy. He sat with his head in his hands. He was worried, frustrated even. He wanted to know where she was and he didn't quite know why.

"Nothing." He mumbled looking up. Zara didn't believe him one bit and shook her head.

"Something has been on your mind for days now Nick. You've been to irritated and you seem so anxious. What is up? You can talk to me." Zara said, laying a gentle hand on Nicks shoulder.

Nick quickly shrugged her hand off which made her confused. She looked offended.

"I said it's nothing." He mumbled again. He looked out the window that over looked the tree where the girl normally sat. Although this time, the tree was empty.

"What is wrong with you?" Zara exclaimed. Nick looked over at her with a small glare.

"I said it's nothing Zara. Drop it." He snapped. Zara let out a dark chuckle and shook her head. She instantly stood up and walked over towards the door. Nick just watched her.

"Call me when you're ready to talk." She mumbled before pulling the door open and walking out, shutting it behind her. Nick just closed his eyes and leaned back on his bed.


   Oakley had been walking aimlessly around the black void that surrounded her. She tried to leave but she was stuck. She yelled, screamed, and walked around seeking help,  there was none.

   She could hear Nicks pleas for her to answer him but she couldn't. She yelled for him to hear her but there was no hope. She was trapped and didn't know how to escape.

   "Oakley." A voice called out. She instantly pinpointed the voice to belong to Haven.

   "Haven!" She yelled out. Her voice bounced off the walls as if it were a rubber ball.

   "Oakley." She called out again. This time a bright white light began filling the girls vision.

   Then it was as if fire was taking over her body. Her lungs felt as if they were on fire. She couldn't breathe.

   She looked down to see her hands slowly turning into a dusty ash. Fire enveloped the girls body. Pulling her like a magnetic force.

   This pain was something the girl had never felt before. It was far worse than anything she had ever experienced. Far more painful than when she had been stabbed.

   Then it was like everything stopped. The fire had been put out and she wasn't burning up anymore. Her hands were no longer ash and looked like normal human hands.

   Then a bright light over took her vision. A hand grasped hers and pulled her forward. Oakley was launched forward only to be met with the grass filled ground below her.

   She began sucking in the air around her, trying to get in full breaths. When she looked up she saw a panicked Haven.

   The girl clutched her chest as she tried to get rid of the burning feeling but nothing seemed to stop it.

   Haven then dropped down and began muttering different words that sounded like gibberish to Oakley.

   Haven then pressed a hand to Oakleys chest and gave it a harsh push. When nothing happened she did it again. This time the push took affect. The burning feeling instantly left the girls chest and she felt as though she could finally take in the air.

   She blinked slowly, trying to keep conscious but something was pulling her away from awake. Then with one last sign she had closed her eyes and let sleep take her away.

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