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Nicks POV

I had always wondered what it would be like to talk to the dead. Although I had always pictured it to be something scary. Not once did I ever picture a ghost becoming one of my best friends.

After a long discord call with Tommy he had finally believed me. He thought I was crazy but believed me and apologized for how he had acted. Oakley was happy that the two of us had made up.

I started streaming once again. Whether it was manhunts with Dream, or just random game streams. Oakley loved sitting in the background and watching. She would laugh if I got killed or she would praise me if I had done something well.

Sometimes she would sit behind me since the camera can't pick her up or she would sit in her normal spot on the window sill. She often sat there when we talked.

Oakley had also loved when my mother would come in and scold me for little things, something my mother often had done.

Oakley and I had many conversations about what her life before death was like. She told me random stories about her through school or just random stories between her and Tommy.

"So like those people who see spirits can't see you?" I asked looking over at her as she held a pencil tightly in her hand. She slowly scribbled things onto a piece of paper but for me nothing had shown up. She paused her hand movements and looked over towards me.

"No. One tried calling out to me once when I was in the dark void but nothing completely went through. I had still been stuck there. I believe it was my parents trying to reach me." She spoke before going back to her art. Once she finished she lifted up the piece of paper to show me what she had drawn, only for me the page was completely blank.

"Look Nick its a dog!" She exclaimed with a large smile. I smiled and shook my head at her.

I have come to realize how much of an honestly genuine person she was. We have been living in the house for a little over two weeks now and after spending two weeks with them, you can easily pick up on their behavior.

"Mom needs me to go run errands. I will be back in a few hours." I said powering off my phone after my mom sent me a text. Oakley nodded and sat the notebook and pencil down. I gave her one last final wave before she completely vanished in front of me.

At first her random vanishes were odd to me. It was crazy to see her full opacity one second then be complete air the next.

She often uses her vanishing tricks to try and scare me but nothing about the girl is scary. I will have to ask her where she goes when she vanished one day.

Oakleys POV

I hummed softly sitting on the window sill in my room, well Nicks room. I looked out across the woods I often used to play in when I was little. The place hadn't changed much since I had passed, only small changes here and there.

    That night when I was pulled back to my house felt odd to me. Seeing my bedroom completely emptied and to see a boy sleeping on an air mattress in the middle of the room. A few boxes spread amongst the room and my diary tucked tightly next to his bed.

   The boy had been fast asleep so I took a small look around. What I'm assuming was the boys mother lay fast asleep on another air mattress in what used to be my mother and fathers room. The rest of the house had been completely empty and the wallpaper had been different.

   Meeting Nick was odd to me. I hadn't talked to someone in over two years yet here him and I were, having full conversations.

   I was quite surprised when Nick said he saw me. Even when I did break out of the void once, no one, and I mean no one had seen me.

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