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Nicks POV

   Everything she did made me smile. The way when she laughed her nose scrunched. Or the way she gets so excited to show me the art she drew. Everything about her is perfect. Well everything beside of the fact she isn't alive.

   I felt absolutely horrible for Zara. She is a genuinely sweet person and I can't hurt her. She doesn't deserve it.

   I love Zara, but I'm not IN love with her. I care for her very much but she is not who has my heart.

   "Hey Nick." Zara said coming into my room, a large smile on her face. I plastered a fake one and accepted the hug she gave me.

   Oakley sat in the corner of my room completely ignoring both Zara and I as she looked over newspapers.

   This had become something she had done. She would sit in the window, or the corner and completely block out Zara and I.

"Nick I need to talk to you about something." Zara said, her smile completely wiping off her face. At these words Oakleys head snapped up. She gave me a look that said 'good luck' before she vanished.

"What's up?" I said as she sat down next to me.

"I think we should break up." She said, her straight face turning into a frown. My eyes widened slightly.

"I- uh, what?" I stumbled for words.

"Let me explain. You and I have been growing quite distant lately. Hannah took my out the other day for a girls day and I met this guy. We clicked instantly. There is flying chemistry between us." She paused. I went to speak but she gave me a look to not say anything.

"I don't want to hurt you Nick but I am not going to lie to you." She said giving me a soft smile. Still surprised I nodded slowly.

  "Y-Yeah I think that's a good idea then." I mumbled out quickly. She bit down onto her lower lip and looked down at the bed.

   "I want to stay friends though. I still care about you, a lot." She said looking back up at me. I gave her a smile and nodded.

   "I uh, should go. I'll keep in contact." She mumbled out before standing up. She gave me one last soft smile before leaving my room.

   As the door shut behind her, I let out a loud breath. All of the guilt on my shoulders suddenly felt a lot lighter.

   On the other hand, I still can't get over the fact I am in love with a ghost.

   "How are you feeling?" Oakley said, suddenly appearing next to me. I jumped at the sudden noise before smiling at her.

  "I am okay." I said but her expression morphed into one of confusion.

   "What even happened? Zara left your house in tears. Although a small smile was on her lips. I'm confused." She rambled. I smiled and shook my head.

   "Her and I broke up." I said stopping her mid ramble. She looked at me even more confused.

   Little did Nick know that on the inside of Oakleys head she was yelling in joy. It's not that she didn't like Zara. Zara seemed incredibly sweet and kind, but something deep down made Oakley want Nick all to herself.

   "You just got broken up with, why are you smiling!" She exclaimed pressing a finger softly to my lips. When she pulled her hand away I let out a laugh.

   "Shouldn't you be sad? Crying? Telling the boys that you just got dumped?" She rambled again.

   "It was for the better. We weren't close anymore. She found someone new." I explained. Her frown deepened.

   "Shouldn't you be sad?" She asked again. I shrugged.

   "I mean it hurts a little of course because I cared about her, but no. I'm not sad. She deserves someone who will make her happy." I further explained. She hummed and took a seat down next to me.

   "Why couldn't you make her happy?" She asked turning her head to the side slightly. 

   "Because right now, my heart as well belongs to someone else who isn't Zara."

   Sorry for the past few chapters and how short they are. I have to make them short or I swear this book will only be like 13 chapters long haha.

   They will get longer again towards the end of the book. More details will come into play as well.

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