chapter 32- Chao's

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*Sugas' pov.*

I woke up and started to get ready for work. I then made myself coffee and ate breakfast. I  got into my car and one of Moonbyul came to me and drove me to my office. I then got out and she followed from behind. I walked to the receptionist and everyone got up and bowed. I lifted my hand and talked to the receptionist. "Somone important to me will come, treat them with respect or you'll get fired." I said and she bowed.

I walked to my office and started to do my work, yet I continued to work until I looked at the clock. It was time for me to get ready to see Jimin and Joon. As I walked out and saw Jimin, I heard chaos happening outside.

*Jimins' pov.*

I woke up and changed doing my morning routine and getting Joon ready. We then watched tv and waited for Lucas to take us to Sugas' office. It then was time to for us to get to the office and Lucas' child ran to me. "Hello mark, did your appa go to the shop for cake?" I asked and Mark nodded. The door then opened and revealed Lucas. "Jimin we should go to the office, boss is on his lunch break in a few minutes." Lucas said and placed the cake on the table.

I nodded and took Joons hand and got up slowly with Lucas' help. We got into the car and got to the office. "When can I meet your husband?" I asked Lucas. "In a few days, he's a surprise. I think you two will get along, he just needs to come back from China." Lucas said and helped me get out of the car and the guards opened the company door for us. Joon grabbed my hand and we walked to the receptionist. "Is Mr.Min free right now, he told me I can come see him for lunch." I said and the receptionist got up. "I'm sorry but he has plans with his girlfriend, if you don't have an appointment you can leave." The receptionist said and walked towards me. She pointed at herself as she said girlfriend.

Lucas blocked the way. "I'm sorry but Mr.Min has assigned me to take care of him. Don't touch him at all." Lucas said and spoke to her. The receptionist rolled her eyes. "Who do you think you are? Your no one important to him." She said and pushed me a bit making me lose my step. I then held my belly as Lucas helped me regain my balance. I turned around and saw suga mad. "What the fuck do you think your doing to my wife?!" He yelled at the receptionist angrily.

She started to shake in fear. Everyone's eyes were still on us. "Joon what did the receptionist tell papa?" Suga asked. "She told papa that she was your girlfriend and wasn't anyone important and pushed papa." Joon said and started to cry and hugged him. Suga picked Joon up and looked at the receptionist coldly. "Are you ok Jagiya?" Suga said and looked at me worried. The worker's looked at me in shock.

"I'm fine, just a bit unsteady on my feet." I said reassuring him. "He's the special person to you?" The receptionist asked scared. "Yes and what about it, we got married yesterday and your fired. You kept on telling people that I was your boyfriend while your a gold digger and want attention." Suga said while the receptionist got on her knees and cried.

She started to plead and cry making everyone look at us. "It's final, leave!" The receptionist got up and ran out of the building crying. Everyone cheered. "She's finally gone, she was so annoying. Thank you boss!" A guy said and bowed to Suga. So she was a big bother anyways. I thought she was annoying in the beginning but I guess I wasn't wrong. She did look like a hoe but who am I to talk I'm not one myself.

"Are you alright sir? She was really rude to you I apologize for her, we should get you to a quieter place and  get you seated  down." An older lady said. She bowed and grabbed my hand. "Follow me, I will take you to the bosses office." The lady said and we walked to the office. She then sat me down and brought me some tea. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Han Yi-young. I'm Mr.Mins secretary, I'm 28. Congratulations on your pregnancy and your marriage." Yi-young said.

"I'm Kim Jimin... Well I'm min Jimin, your bosses wife. This is our son Joon and thank you for congratulating me. You are very beautiful for your age, I myself am only 21." I said and smiled at her. "Your just like my younger brother, I hope to see you around more often... Well after your pregnancy." She said and smiled. "I will be leaving, it seems that my boss is here." She said and bowed to me. She then left the room and Suga sat infront of me.

He started to take out the food and placed it infront of us. "Eat up, it's as my sorry that the receptionist was rude to you." He said and gave me chopsticks. I smiled and we ate. We then stayed at Sugas' office most of the time and I got a call. I looked at the ID caller and saw one of my professors.

*On call*

Mr.Yoon: "Mr.Kim, we need to talked about you school attendance."

Me: "Sure go ahead."

Mr.Yoon: "I know you are pregnant but the teachers have started suspecting that you are skipping class. Your a good student, you can take this school year off but we would like to teach you more things so you become a professional baker."

I froze for a second and touched my stomach. I felt pain but I ignored it.

Me: "I understand your offer, I will need some time off. My father has added me to his modeling agency and I only have a year left for my graduation anyways."

Mr.Yoon: "Have you been practicing you french, piano, and violin? It seems that your child will love music as much as you. I will let the school know that you have personal problems and that you will come next year."

Joon: "Papa, are you done with your phone? Joon wants to talk with grandma." Joon said grabbing my arm. I sighed.

"I'll be done in a second, just wait. Papa needs to talk with somone important." I said and Joon let go of my arm.

Me: "I haven't practiced in a while, I've practiced french but not my piano or violin. I just sing instead, it's harder for me to sit near the piano and get my other keys. I've been wanting to practice the violin but it seems that it's at my parents place. Thank you for doing this for me."

Mr.Yoon: "It's nothing Jimin, I'm glad you already have a son. You should let me see him when you come check up for the papers."

Me: "I will, I should go. My husband and son are getting impatient. Thank you for your help."

*Call ended*

"Here, you can talk with grandma." I said and gave Joon my phone. He smiled and heard the call ring, papa answered and they had a short happy talk. "Who called you?" Suga asked and poked his tounge on his cheek. "It was a professor from my college. He was telling me that he will give me this year off and I can join my classes after." I said and smiled. "I'm glad, is it your last year?" Suga asked and I nodded.

"Yes, its going to be my last year. I'm greatful he's a good teacher, he's taught me many things." I said. "You should practice some time, it seems that I have to head back to work. I'm almost done with work so we can leave together." Suga said and walked to his chair. "Alright, I'll hang around the office for a bit. I'll be back in a bit, I'll take Moonbyul with me." I said and Suga nodded. I then left and took Moonbyul with me.

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