chapter 9- Kidnapped

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*Jimins pov.*

We started to make lunch and the girls started to play with the cookie dough. "Don't play with it. Start making little circles or square. They will come out pretty." I said and they stopped playing they started to make circles and squares. I finished making the dumplings and kimbap.

I soon finished making the rice and tteokbokki and saw the cute little squares and circles the girls made. I started to make the cake mix and then poured it in a container to hold its figure. After I baked it, I called the girls and told them to help me decorate the cake. We then finished making all the preparations for dinner and we called y/n. She came to the dinning table and we started eating.

I helped feed the girls and soon night came. The girls and I took a shower and we read stories. " I will sing you a song of your choice tonight." I said and Cassie sat on my leg.

"Can you sing me your favorite song?" Cassie asked. "Of course, Mia let's put you next to me on my arms so you can sleep comfortably. You can use my shoulder as your pillow and I'll cover you with your favorite bankie." I said and she laid next to me. I patted her back and caressed Cassandra's back. I started humming a song and they both fell asleep. I soon fell asleep and woke up to crying.

"Uncle~, uncle~! The stranger is taking me." Cassie said and I felt hands on me. "Look, calm down. Uncles not letting you get hurt, just calm down Cassie." I said and tried to control my breathing. "Uncle." Cassie said. "Look your fine Cassie, just wait untill dad comes and picks you up." I said and was being dragged.

My mouth was covered with a cloth and I soon blacked out. I woke up not feeling the presence of the two girls. I looked around and saw a dark room. I then heard a voice. "Looks like your finally awake, I've been waiting for you princess." The voice said. I scanned the room and saw the business man. "What am I doing here?" I asked.

"Honey, your here because your parents didn't pay their debt off by the time I gave them. It's payback, they have to give me the remaining money for you to be free." He said. I sighed. "Then what about the kids that were with me? I can feel my sister's presence in this house so I know she's not with them." I said and stared at me.

"Smart aren't you? The kids are home waiting for you, your sister is in another room. You will be able to see her soon." He said and smirked. He then left me alone in the dark room. I sighed and let my head fall backwards. I thought all the possibilities why papa and dad couldn't tell me about their debt. "What if it was that night that I woke up early and heard noises?" I said to myself.

I sighed and waited patiently. Somone then walked in the room and I smiled. "Hello Mr, didn't I treat you to coffee?" I asked and he nodded. "Then what am I doing here?" I asked. "Your parents didn't pay off their debt, your here untill they pay us." He said. "Were you the guy that barged into my room?" He shook his head.

"That wasn't me, I would've have taken you by then. It was my boss, he wanted to see you." The similar man said. I sighed. "May I know your name?" I asked. "My name is J-hope, you can call me Hobi. You will be able to see your sister right now. I will bring her in here and you will be together for a bit before my boss catches on." Hobi said. I smiled.

He then left the room and came back with y/n. "Pookie, are you ok?" I asked. I bumped my head on hers. "I'm alright, what happened to Mia?" She asked. "She's at home, I can't promise that papa knows that their in my room." I said. She sighed in relief. "But Cassie, wouldn't Leon worry about her being by herself? He'd get suspicious that your not there." Y/n said.

"It's alright, just be patient. We'll be let out as soon after papa and dad pay their debt. Give them time, they'll be paying it off." I said. We heard the entrance door open. Y/n was picked up and taken to her original room. I sighed and waited patiently.

Food was brought to me and I was allowed to leave the room I was in. I became friends with Hobi and I started to fall for Mr. Business man. It had been only a week and Papa had payed the debt. We meet up for a trade and I saw Mia and Cassandra. Papa then gave the money to Mr.Business man which his name turned out to be Suga

"I'm sorry we took too long my children, it was hard to gather the money." Papa said and opened his arms. We were let go and we ran to papa and hugged him. "I'm sorry my children, we took too long." Papa said and cried. Cassie and Mia held on my leg. I picked Cassie up and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry I didn't help you, your a strong girl." I said and Cassie cried.

She snuggled her head in my neck and cried harder. I patted her back in comfort. "Let's go back home." Dad said. Y/n ran to Hobi. She hugged him and kissed him leaving him shocked. She stated that she would stay with Hobi instead of coming back home. I turned around and started walking to the car. I felt hands around my body. "I love you, my Angel." A familiar voice said.

I turned around and saw the business man. He kissed me leaving Cassie in the between us. I blushed since it was my first kiss. I didn't know what to do so I stood there frozen. I cupped his cheek, "I love you too." I said.  I let my hand slide and walked away. "Why are you crying uncle?" Cassie said " go to sleep baby, I'll wake you up for school tomorrow." I said. I hummed her a song and waited for papa as I caressed her back.

Papa then walked up to me and tapped my shoulder "Don't you want to go with the love of your life?" He asked. I looked down and started to cry. I fell on my knees with Cassie in my arms. "I can't go, I can't leave you guys alone." I said and cried in between my words. "You can leave if you want, me and your dad already take care of each other. We can take care of Mia."

Papa said and hugged me. I stood up and papa wiped my tears. "Don't worry my child, don't cry. Do you want to get wrinkly like your dad?" He said and we both laughed. "Hey! I can hear you, don't call me old you old man! Your 2 years older than me!" Dad yelled. Papa covered his mouth.

"Secret revealed.... Hehe." Papa said. "I don't know if I should go or not. I love him but I don't even know about him..." I said and I got a small slap. "My child, I had your brother when I was 17. Do you think I wanted to force my body and have a child at an early age? I ethier had to leave home so your grandparents wouldn't get mad at me and find out I did it with your father." He said.

I looked down. "Your old enough to take your own decisions. Do what your heart says and we'll support you." Papa said. I walked inside the car and sat there with Cassie. "I love him but I can't lose everything I love yet." I said and cried. Cassie woke up from my cries. "Whats wrong? Why are you crying?" Cassie said as tears formed in her eyes.

I wiped her tears. "It's nothing, go back to sleep. Im just tired." I said and hummed Cassie to sleep. Mia then went in the car and her head was on my lap. I caressed her hair and hummed her to sleep. Papa and dad soon came and drove off. I was glad to see our place again. It was all nice and clean just like how I left it.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 11:24 pm. I sighed and went to my room. I took a long shower and put Cassie' and Mia next to me. I dozed into my sleep thinking of nothing but regret.

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