chapter 26- family trip

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*Jimins pov.*

We then woke up to me throwing up like usual."I'm sorry princess you got into this problem-" suga said and hugged me. "It's fine babe, as long as I'm with you and it's your child, I don't mind being in this problem. Your my happiness, we should just be happy and not be naughty anymore." I said and tapped his nose and I smiled. Suga looked at his phone. "hehehe.... I kinda have a few missing calls from Eomma, she wants us to go with her on a family trip. Let's join alright." Suga said and I nodded.

We got ready and we headed Out of the place we were in. I then made breakfast as they all patiently waited. We ate breakfast and I got Joon and Cassie ready. I called leon and he gave me Cassie's passport in the backpack saying it was alright since we might get out of Korea since he wasn't feeling good enough yet. We then went downstairs and suga drove off somewhere. "So where are we going?" I asked and suga looked at me and smiled. "We're going to Jungkooks place, he's my little brother." Suga said and I was in shock. "You guys are siblings? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I just found out last night, I had a suspicion that he looked like somone I knew." Suga said and we stopped.

He got out of the car and picked up Joon and Cassie. I got out of the car and we walked towards Jungkooks parents taking Joon. "Hello aunty and uncle, it's nice seeing you." I said and we both bowed. "Hi Eomma, did you choose a place you would like to be for a bit?" Suga asked and aunty nodded. "It's nice seeing you two, we all actually decided to go to Shanghai. We thought that China was a nice place to go to for a bit so we can relax and discover new places." Aunty said.

"Did you book a flight this early Eomma?" Suga asked and aunty nodded. "That's too expensive, Eomma you should let me pay instead." Suga said aunty shook her head. She grabbed one of Sugas' hands. "My son, it's for our family trip. There is nothing to worry about, I'm glad I got to meet my grandchild." Aunty said and grabbed one of Joons cheeks and kissed it. Joon giggled. "Your beautiful son, I hope I have another grandchild as cute as you." Aunty said to Joon and tapped his nose.

"Eomma, since we're going to Shanghai I have to make a call. I have to call my company and Jimins parents to let them know." Suga said and passed Joon to me. Joon tapped my stomach lightly making me realize that he hit me on accident. "Don't hurt papa, it's going to hurt your little sibling." I said. He looked at me sadly. "Joon is sorry, is baby ok?" Joon said. I looked at him with a smile. "The baby is alright, were going to be able to see them in a few weeks." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Jimin your pregnant? Congratulations, I hope the pregnancy goes well. Let's pray for the well being of the family later." Aunty said. I nodded my head and suga came to me with his phone. "It's your parents." He said and I took the phone.

*On call*

Me: "Hello, Papa?"

Papa: "Jimin how dare you not tell me your going to Shanghai without my consent. You should've invited me, me and your father we were making plans to go on summer vacation with you and you didn't tell me you had plans." Papa said rapidly running out of breath.

Me: "Calm down, suga just told me we were going somewhere but I didn't know where. His parents invited us."

Dad: "Sigh, how long will you be in Shanghai? Maybe we can meet you guys there and spend time with you guys."

"Aunty, how long do you plan on staying in Shanghai?" I asked and aunty looked at me. "Probably 2-3 weeks. Why do you ask?" Aunty said. "My parents want to meet up with us there." I said and aunty nodded

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