12. Small argument

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Thea's pov
"Hey don't you think the hooded dude's voice was familiar?" Ann asks. "Now that I think of it, it does sound familiar" I replied. "It is?" Zhang ji was clueless. "Yup" Ann and I both responded. "Do you think he might be a killer?" I queried. "I don't know although he was bringing food and supplies" Ann express her opinion.

We opened the door to the room we were staying to be met with all the supplies the mysterious figure dropped. They were all still in place scattered all over the floor by the figure. "I'm hungry" I blurted out while looking at all the good and drinks. I went to the snack that caught my eye and quickly opened the packet. Before I could put the snack in my mouth, Ann slaps the food away from my hand, "What if it's poisoned?!"

"Good point but the food looks fresh and it doesn't smell bad or weird" Zhang ji sniffed the food, while also examining it. "Then we can eat it!" I clapped joyfully. "Well I'm not gonna eat it. If you die out of food poison, remember I told you" Ann grumbles in stubbornness. "Whatever I know sooner or later you'll come to me begging for food" I stated proudly.

Ann rolled her eyes at me while I stuck my tongue out at her. Zhang ji silently watched us bicker while grabbing a random snack which was nearest to him and eats it. "Fine!" "Fine!" Ann and I huffed out. "I'm just gonna stay with Zhang ji while you can go in a corner alone!" I say and sat beside Zhang ji. "The less the merrier!" Ann spat, then sat in a corner. "It's 'the more the merrier' not 'the less the merrier' " I corrected Ann to annoy her more. "People have their own opinions" Ann reply in a 'duh' tone. "I can't hear you!~" I teased. Ann crossed her arms over her chest and kept her mouth shut not wanting to be more annoyed by me.

After the small argument with Ann over food, I looked over at Zhang ji. When he felt me looking, he turned his head to me and looked at me. "wHaT?" He says with a mouth full of snacks. "Can I have some?" I pleaded pointing at the delicious looking snack in his hand. Zhang ji didn't say anything but offered the packet of snack in front of my hand. "Thank you!" I say and took a handful, munching on the snack after.

I'm back! And sorry for not updating like almost a month, I promise I'll make up for it!! Also after this book ends I'm gonna be writing a new story, which is a Yao Yuchen x reader requested by expiredchocymilk
Thank you for being patient with me and supporting me!💝

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