3. Trapped

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Thea's pov
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" I kept inquiring. "No be patient" Sophia snapped. I got a bit taken back by her aggressive tone. "Well we've been walking for hours to this 'secret hideout' of yours and we still haven't arrived yet! I feel numb and exhausted! And you want me to be more patient?!" I tried to be more reasonable.

Sophia kept silent not knowing what to say. Nobody a word after our little argument. We just kept on walking hoping we'd arrive soon.

We followed to where Sophia and Elena were leading us to. I walked behind Sophia suddenly bumping into her back when she stopped.

"We're here! Tadaaa!" Sophia remarked spreading her arms wide, wiggling them. I looked to the front to see... A creepy, old building.

Ann scoffed in disbelief, "Seriously? We walked all the way here just to see this creepy old building?" "I agree with Ann on this one" Luna states.

The building's walls were losing it's colors, many windows were installed but none of them could be seen inside, a big and tall metal fence was surrounding it as another security, the roofs were designed in an ancient way, creepy statues that overshadow a normal hunan's height were placed everywhere, every metal were rusted. How can this building be more creepier?!

"Let's go inside" Elena suggested. "Aw hell nah I ain't going in there" I say creeped out. "Don't tell me you're scared" Sophia made fun of me. "I don't think I'm going in there too. I have a bad feeling" Ann agrees.

"We're your friends. Don't you trust us? We would never do something bad to you" Elena guilt trips Ann. Ann sighs in defeat. "I guess we'll go in" Ann grumbles, "come on girls" "Do we really have to go in?" Luna doubts.

"Just come" Sophia rolls her eyes at Luna and drags her against her will. When we got in, we saw a hallway which was way creepier than the look of the house we recently saw.

(Tw⚠️: creepy hallway photo)

We walked around many corners not sure why we were here, or where we were heading to

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We walked around many corners not sure why we were here, or where we were heading to. Instantaneously Sophia and Elena started speeding up their pace making it hard for us to catch up to them with the unfamiliar surrounding.

"Hey!" I called out, "Wait! Why are you guys going to fast?!" Ann, Luna and I started speeding up too, bumping into everything in our way creating different, loud noises.

"Arghhhh we lost them again!" Ann groaned out of frustration. "Why were they going fast though?" Luna questions which caught us off guard. "Were they planning to leave us all along?" I ask. "Those little shits!" Ann cursed, "that's what sophia meant when she said that we won't even get near them when I threatened to shave their heads."

"Why would they do that though?" Luna queried. "No time for questions. We need to find a way out. We could still catch up to Sophia and Elena" I demand in confidence. Ann and Luna nodded and we proceed to walk towards the exit of the house.

We haven't really gotten that far and I've memorized the way just in case. We quickly dashed out the door feeling relief after we found it. Next was the maze, oh boy this is gonna be a challenge.

We started going in the maze trying to remember every turn we went. Suddenly I saw sophia's back. "Guys! Look!" I say and pointed at Sophia. Their eyes widen. "Come follow them! Quick!" Luna spoke. We headed to their direction. Sophia must have heard our footsteps because she looks back and whispered something to Elena, then they ran.

We ran after them trying not to lose them out of our sight. Unfortunately, they made a turn where we lost them. We sighed in defeat. I looked up at the sky to see that it was already getting dark. "Guys it's getting dark, what should we do?" I ask. "I think it's best if we spend the night in the house and find our way back in the morning" Ann suggested. "But it's creepy in there!" Luna whines.

"Well at least it's better than sleeping on the ground" I tried to convince Luna. After talking it out with each other, we decided to spend the night in the house. I was not satisfied with what Sophia and Elena did to us but now is not the time to think about them. My first priority is to find a way out of here and one thing I know is that we were definitely trapped here...

Kind of long chapter

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