10. Red hand marks

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Thea's pov
I looked back and started banging on the door, panicking. Then I felt hands on my shoulders that yanked me backwards. My back hit the wooden floor of the room with a loud thump. Then the shadow figure, who I now know is a person, started to walk closer to me.

I moved backwards and attempted to get up but the person's hand gripped around my neck tightly. I struggled in the grip of the person only finding it harder to breathe. Then the realisation hits me that if move, it'll only be harder for me to breathe. So I stopped moving and looked at the unkown person with a shaky breathes. I decided to examine the person's appearance just in case it'll be necessary in the future.

The person had a hood on as well as a mask. The person soon realise what I was doing, so he/she started to tighten the grip in my neck. Sweat started forming on my forehead, tears brimmed in my eyes and my body started shaking violently. My breathes were starting to grow uneven. My hands shakily grabbed the person's hands that were choking me. I gripped on it and started trying to yank it away. It wasn't working so I gripped on the hand with my nails and dug into it. I started to feel watery substance while digging my nails into the person's hand. I assumed it was blood and I was correct.

The person hissed and lets go of my neck. I coughed out a couple times before taking a big breathe. I observe the room for any types of beneficial items. I saw a worn out chair in the corner of the room, so I picked it up and strikes the person with it. The person fell down so I took the chance and started smashing the door. The person pushed me back after he/she got back up.

I strikes the person again but this time with a bigger force. The person fell down clutching his/her ribs area. I continue smashing the door hoping it'll break down. Eventually the door broke down as well as the person got up. I quickly dashed out the room with the person following behind me. As I was gonna enter the room where Ann and Zhang ji remains, the person grabs my hair from behind and started dragging me.

I started sobbing and screaming. That's when Ann and Zhang ji came out of the room looking anxious. They looked around before their eyes land on my tear stained face. Ann gasped and quickly rushed over to me. "What happened?" Ann asks. I was too frightened to speak. I was still shaking and tears were still streaming down my face. Zhang ji stared coming towards our way and he crouched down beside me and starts examining my neck.

"There...are...red...hand...marks... on your neck" he says. I never got to see my neck so I didn't notice. The person must have left it while choking me. Speaking of the person, I looked back to see that he/she was gone...

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