2. The maze

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Thea's pov
"Am I seeing this right? A maze?" I say rubbing my eyes and looking in front again. "Yes now follow us" Elena and Sophia leads the way. "Why would you even call a maze your secret hideout?" Ann asks Sophia and Elena. "This is not our secret hideout" Sophia answered.

"Wha-? So that means we still haven't arrived?" Luna questions. Elena nods. "Talk about extra security" Ann added. I groaned in exhaustion and also frustration. "Try to keep up with us, it's easy to get lost in this maze" Sophia warns.

Sophia and Elena starts walking into the maze followed by us. It was already hard to catch up to Sophia and Elena in a maze but they were going in a fast pace making it extra harder.

Me, Ann and Luna keep bumping into each other in turns. "Jesus" Luna says irritated. "Sorry to let you know but I'm not Jesus" I say sarcastically. Luna facepalms herself. "Fvck!" Someone cursed out loud making us to to the direction of the person. Ann's hair got stuck in a twig hanging off the bush that was placed for decoration.

She quickly unstuck her hair and fixed it and attempted to follow Sophia and Elena like nothing happened. But she stopped and look back at us with a panicked expression. Both Luna and I looked to the front... We lost Sophia and Elena.

All of us panicked and started going in different directions. "Wait! I don't think we should split up" I say realising. "I agree" Luna says and Ann nodded. We all stayed in a group and started to search for Sophia and Elena.

Left, right, left, right and on and on we go. "Left" Ann says. "No right" Luna argues. "Left-" "right-" "left-" "right-" "Stop! It's not the time to argue!" I say cursing them mentally.

Just after I got them to stop fighting, we heard a voice behind us. "What are y'all doing?" We flinched and looked back to see both Sophia and Elena. They had they're arms crossed over their chest. "We got lost" Ann replied shrugging carefree. Elena sighed and scolds us, "we told you that you could get lost easily why didn't you listen"

"Not our fault you both were zooming past every turn" Luna complained. "Ok stop arguing. Let's go" Sophia said breaking the tension. We all agreed and followed Sophia and Elena again but this time being extra careful and trying not to get lost again.

While we were following Sophia and Elena, I looked at my surroundings analysing each and every details. The walls of the maze were made of bricks, I could tell that they were originally white but now they were covered with mosses and green stuff which looked like seaweed. The maze's walls were made very tall so we couldn't see the outside world. We continued following Sophia and Elena into the maze not having a clue that the maze was leading us very deep into a forest...

The second chapter is officially done!🌟🍃

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