Chapter 8: Dear Detective

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On weekend I was going to work on it but I closed my eyes and ended up napping for an hour and I forgot what was going to be written. Then Monday was a holiday so I just relaxed that day.

(Y/n): I need my energy drink where's my
(Y/n)ade at. That stuff is strong than anything at the markets it wakes me right up and full of energy. The best of my inventions too bad I'm the only one who can drink it without dying.

He finds a bottle under his pillow and begins drinking it and a drop hits the floor.

(Y/n): I never did find the solution to that problem.

A cockroach walks to where the drop fell and starts drinking it. It starts running around the room like the Flash until it dies near the trashcan.

(Y/n): Maybe I can use this as pesticide and rodenticide? Seems like it's up to the task.

The phone rings as he scrambles to find out where he put it.

(Y/n): Found you!

Answering the phone he doesn't hear anyone talking.

(Y/n): This isn't the rapper Lil ID Theft so try another number. I heard he's a hard person to contact though so good luck.

??: That not a very funny thing to say.

(Y/n): Then we don't share the same sense of humor. Goodbye stranger who has my phone number have fun in your mom's basement making prank calls you troll.

??: I identify as a gremlin.

(Y/n): Oh, what's happening Amelia.

Amelia: You didn't know it was me by my voice but when I said I identify as a gremlin. You're just like that's Amelia.

(Y/n): Well I'm pretty sure that one on the plane died years ago so you're the only other gremlin that comes to mind. So you wanted to tell me what was planned for today or something?

Amelia: We'll be talking while I'm making my Watson concoction.

(Y/n): You expect me to be in the same room as you while your mixing chemicals. Isn't that a safety hazard?

Amelia: This is Hololive we choose which rules to follow and which ones we don't want to.

(Y/n): So in section twelve, it says when someone asks you to marry them I can answer yes if I want then by your logic.

Amelia: Exactly.

(Y/n): Now where is the coworker's section at I'm going to change the rules to my liking.

Amelia: Okay see you in a little bit.

(Y/n): Are you the one that doesn't wear u-

The phone call was ended so he just was passing by the time until he finally decided to go see her.

(Y/n): What's up you little blonde gremlin.

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