Chapter 6: Reaper x Soul

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(Y/n): That's one clue out of the way. Still a good amount remaining. Now, who should be next w-

Yagoo: Congratulations on a successful first stream. Having to solve clues was a unique and interesting move on your part.

(Y/n): Why couldn't you have knocked? I know you own the building but still, that's a common curtsy even in Japan, isn't it?

Yagoo: I apologize your stream just got me excited that I couldn't wait to talk to you again.

(Y/n): So what did you want to talk about?

Yagoo: Any plans for collaborations?

(Y/n): Yeah I hammered out a deal with all the managers. J-chad was using her big chad energy to make the others let Calli go first. Not that I mind I haven't seen her for a few millennia. Hopefully, she's still the way that I remember.

Yagoo: And how was she when you were alive?

(Y/n) has a smirk and waves his finger in a no fashion.

(Y/n): Sorry your the boss but no spoilers. You'll have to wait until my collaboration stream.

Delivery guy: Delivery for one (Y/n) (L/n).

(Y/n): That's me.

Delivery guy: Sign here and here.

(Y/n): Okay.

Delivery guy: Here you go. Have a nice day.

(Y/n): You have a good day too.

Yagoo: What did you order?

(Y/n): Get out of my room dad!


(Y/n): There we go.

A shelf full of various anime figurines is in the corner of the room.

(Y/n): My collection has just started to form. I look forward the expanding it when I start making the big bucks. But for now, this is a great start to something incredible. I was pretty lucky that the delivery man didn't ask why I live in a business building. Probably thought I was just some weirdo and is going to tweet or post it on Reddit. Still have some more things I do before the collab.

He walks out of the building and into a nearby market.

(Y/n): The the difference between extra virgin olive oil and just regular olive oil? Also, how can something be an extra virgin? Am I an extra virgin person? Someone needs to find answers to these questions. It'll take someone with Einstein-level intelligence to solve them though. Now, where is the soup aisle feeling like I need to eat something warm today?

After paying for the food he went to the store for he was on his way back to his living space. Until he heard someone screaming.

(Y/n): I could look for what made that noise but should I. Don't want any trouble and I'm on a tight schedule today so just ignoring it sounds like the best option.

A body flies by crushing one of the bags that he just put down.

(Y/n): What the hell!

He ends up running to the guy on the floor goes on his knees and pushes him off the bag.

(Y/n): My snacks! What did they ever do to you!

Holding the bag of crushed snacks he ends up looking towards the sky.

(Y/n): You can rest now. All of you are in a better place. Even if the best place would have been in my stomach. I'll avenge you all by beating up the murderer.

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